New Aurlio Dictionary
Figure 1. Indicating the quarter of New discovery in the RPA 3.Fonte: Atlases 2005 PMR. Figure 2: Map of the quarter of New discovery. Source: Atlases Municipal 2005 PMR. 3Um stroll for the formation of New Discovery the occupation of the area where if it currently points out the quarter of New Discovery was characterized for the space of Mount and Atlantic Bush, but in its development it passed of natural space or first nature for a cultural space, involving distinct scale for such classification.
Although, space and territory seem to be terms and next concepts, both do not have one same value attributed in this context. Taking for loan the definition of the New Aurlio Dictionary of the Portuguese Language (1986) the definite space as in the distance between colon or the area or the volume between determined limits, takes body in the field of the common knowledge or common sense, and to start to have one meaning by means of the contexts of daily life. However this definition of the Portuguese language pparently is not enough for the construction of the analysis in the field geographic of the phenomena of the space. For the Prof. Robert Lobato Corra (1995) the space has its use associated indiscriminately the different scales, global, continental, regional, city, quarter. The same it warns on the importance how much to the inadvertent use and nor always of correct form, however the indiscriminate use does not allow a safe interpretation of the phenomena. For Corra (1995) Geography has as study object the society that, however, is objectified way five concepts keys that keep between itself strong degree of kindred, therefore all mentions to the action human being shaping the terrestrial surface: landscape, region, space, place and territory. Of this form, the joint of these concept-categories in the analysis of the uses and appropriations of the space of New Discovery collaborate for the quarrel of the necessity of governmental actions and the civil society front to the problems that are not summarized to the one of the studied quarter, and yes, of the city of Recife.
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