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2016 June Archive at Artieda 2011

Archive for June, 2016



Beyond these previous data, the Health department (2004) still praises a minimum number of professionals for each service of this complexity (CAPS III), being: 2 (two) doctors psychiatrists, 1 (one) nurse with formation in mental health, 5 (five) professional ones of superior level of other professional categories: psychologist, social, therapeutic assistant occupational, pedagogo, professor of physical education or another necessary professional of superior level and 8 (eight) professional ones of average level: technician and/or nurse aid, administrative technician, educational technician and craftsman (DEM, 2004). Considering practical the daily one of this service studied here, we perceive that this picture of professionals is sufficiently distant of the ideal, therefore this was thought for that situation where the users were being desospitalizados and would need to carry through some type of treatment, as well as vacating stream beds of internments of closed psychiatric hospitals. But as passing of the years this scene was being modified, as well as the population that was arriving at the services. Today, the people whom they look and they need the services of mental health, are presenting another profile of demand and psychic suffering also. This factor is one of the main ones in what if they relate to the necessary alterations that will have to occur in the public politics of mental health of Brazil.

Evaluation of the services of mental health: CAPS For theoretical and practical basement in the field of the mental health and with the boarding on this subject evaluation, we find few materials that work this subject with more precision and that they are norteadores for ours practical professional and of the assistance to the user of the health, in specific the mental health. Being about the evaluation concept these they are several and if they constitute from the theoretical referencial of each appraiser.

Federal Tax Service


The tax notice must indicate the amount of tax payable, the calculation tax base, and the period of tax payment. Form of the tax notice set FTS Russia from 31.10.2005, SAE-3-21/551 @ "On approval of forms of tax notices. The tax notice may be given to an individual (His / her legal or authorized representative) personally against receipt or otherwise, the fact and date of its receipt. If the above methods can not deliver the tax notice, this notification sent by registered mail. The tax notice is received within six days after sending a registered letter. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 1957 Tax Code, in cases where the tax base is tax authority, the obligation to pay tax does not arise before the date of receipt of tax notice. Paragraph 6 of art.

1958 Tax Code established that the taxpayer must pay the tax within one month from the date of receipt tax notice, unless a longer period of time for payment of the tax is not specified in the tax notice. And here arises the first violation of the Federal Tax Service of Russia: in the form of tax notification, approved the above Order number SAE-3-21/551 @ no "root" in which the taxpayer must sign. In the original order of the RF Ministry on 14.10.1999, AP-3-08/326 "On approval of forms of tax notices, and from 15.03.2004, BG-3-04/198 @ "On the forms of tax notices" such a possibility was the taxpayer. Now about "another method of awarding tax notice.

Federal Registration Service


For registration of property rights to the newly created holiday (garden), house or building cabins should: 1. A completed Declaration of immovable property (to be completed by the applicant in person in the prescribed form, approved by the Order 232 of Ministry of Economic Development 15.08.2006). 2. Title documents for the land on which the facility is located. The exception is if the applicant's right to that land formerly registered under the Act of 21.07.1997g. 122-FZ "On state registration of immovable property and transactions with it" with all the changes and additions.

3. Cadastral plan of land. Issued territorial authorities responsible for conducting activities on state land cadastre, the location of the property. The exception is if: – the ownership of land land registered under the Law of 21.07.1997, 122-FZ "On state registration of immovable property and transactions with it" with all the changes and additions – represented the conclusion of the Board appropriate non-profit association, confirming that the cottage or garden house is located within the boundaries of land granted – provided the conclusion of the local government, in the case If yard, garden-profit association is not registered as a legal entity, or plot of land granted to maintain a garden or farm cottage on an individual basis. For state registration of property rights should be submitted to the territorial authorities in the Federal Registration Service of the location of real estate: 1. Application for state registration of property rights. 2. Document the payment of the fee (original and copy).

3. A document certifying the identity of the applicant. When you contact the representative of a document proving his credentials – a notarized power of attorney (original and copy). 4. The declaration of the established form of immovable property (in duplicate). 5. Title documents for the land on which the facility is located (with the exception of the above specified). 6. Cadastral plan of the land or the conclusion of an appropriate non-profit association of government or the conclusion of the local government (two copies). Based on materials from the Federal Agency for Cadastre of Immovable Objects Of course, you just could do without all the hassle, if you decide to rent apartments in Moscow, but if you are interested in their personal economy, then you need a little torment with the law.

Modality Service Daily


Today, nobody supports more the Varied incabveis Stated periods Taxes, the bel pleasure of the Operators, but as it was said, assented for the Law. Such practical is unjustifiable, mainly, seen to the optics of the high weight of cost of the Brazilian telephony of Daily pay-paid. Such Stated periods, without a doubt, facilitate the Exploration of the Consumers, mainly of those of the favored Classrooms less, the main Users of this Modality of Telephony. The Competent Governmental Authority of the Area, in the attempt to justify, does not know the reason, defending the companies, in clearly detriment of the population, alleges the necessity of if assuring the profits of the Operators (- ' ' as &#039 was little is alone to search; '), therefore in the opinion Of them, becoming Indefinite the Stated period of the Paid Credits for the Consumer (- ' ' therefore, of legitimate direito' '), certainly the bankruptcy would take the Operators (- ' ' as if placing R$10 de Crditos, the same anos&#039 lasted 10; ') or on the other hand worse, certainly, the Operators could decide To finish with the Modality Service Daily pay-pay, that she takes care of it the majority of the population, Poor of the country (- ' ' there yes, they would risk falir' '). However, let us admit the OBLIGATOR STATED PERIODS OF VALIDITY OF CREDITS OF 90 DAYS and 180 DAYS (very even so what it occurs in the practical one it is a Salada de Prazos Taxes, that depend on the Value of the 24-hour Recharge exist Stated period until), only few Users of Daily pay-paid, of the privileged Classrooms, costumam to use them, seen the high cost corresponding. The existence of the Stated period of Credits of 180 days obligatorily offered by the Operators opens another question, perhaps without direct relation, but, very convenient, it sees: Passed 30 days Without Insertion Credits, the User for right Receives linking, makes linking Cobrar and of Emergency (((, end of which,))); continuing Next the 30 days Without inserting the such Credits again, Daily pay-I pay Will be blocked (he makes linking of Emergency and the User will be able to reestablish the Services of telephony with the Insertion of Credits). in his writings.

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