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2016 January Archive at Artieda 2011

Archive for January, 2016

What Does “Gospel ” Mean?


The word gospel comes from the Greek and literally means something like “message that makes them happy,” or in short, the good news or good news. In the New Testament says the proclamation of the gospel about Jesus and through the spoken word, primarily through the work of Jesus, his suffering (passion), Vice-sacrificial death and resurrection. Initially meant nothing written gospel, for Jesus himself had nothing written down, and his disciples never to do so. They should rather proclaim the Gospel throughout the world and (see the Great Commission of Matthew 28 and Mark 16:15). Only decades later, the good news was also down, to make the word of God to all people in the world accessible. The people who wrote down the Gospel, is also called evangelists, they are the Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. However, there is only one gospel, which was described by these four writers but from different perspectives. The Merry Message is that God’s only begotten son Jesus Christ for the sins of the people sacrificed, in that this had to die on the cross.

Jesus died to have committed a crime ever anything that is not completely innocent myself. He gave his life vicariously through the people. Only in this way was, and redemption is possible for a man. Required to accept this gift of God, is faith in Him who made this sacrifice, that is Jesus Christ. The gospel also includes the resurrection of Jesus on the third day. Only because Jesus still lives, the believers must have hope, also compete once eternal life with God. This fact emphasizes the Apostle Paul in the fifteenth chapter of first Corinthians. Today it remains the task of Christians to spread the Gospel further.

The mission of Jesus to this is never extinguished. It is to declare that Christians are trying different ways to attract people to Christ. Missionaries to travel even to distant lands. But the Domestic evangelism is becoming increasingly important. Especially in times of values decline and despair for many it is a consolation that in Jesus is someone who is there for all people and of those starts, the knock on his door.

General Hospital


The creation of the General Hospital more is related to the combat to the beggary of what to the occupation of the interns. According to Foucault, the internment is a proper institucional creation to century XVII. It assumed, since the beginning, an amplitude that does not allow a comparison it with the arrest as this age practised in the Average Age. As economic measure and social precaution, it she has value of invention. But in the history of the madness, it she assigns a decisive event: the moment where madness is perceived in the social horizon of the poverty, of the disability for work, the impossibility to combine itself in the group: the moment where it starts to insert itself in the context of the problems of the city. During all the classic, after the invention of the internment, the insane people had age had the same luck of all the libertines. However, in the second half of century XVIII, they start to appear protests against this situation. Protests are directed against the mixture made between the insane people and the not-insane people and not against the relation between insane people and the internment.

The theory of the assistance of this end of century XVIII makes of the natural space of the cure not it hospital, but the family of the sick person. To the few, the ideal of the creation of private houses only to the insensatos goes if configuring. The bourgeois society recognizes its responsibility stops with madness. What the classic internment hid, because the society of it felt shame, in this end of century XVIIII it is shown as such, transformed into public and familiar thing. If now it has shame, it will have to be lived by the culprits. It appears, then a psychology, a knowledge of the psychological interioridade of the man. End of century XVIII: the more the insane person corporally is coerced, more the imagination if he degrades.

General Government


FAMILY DINIZ Diniz is a classified Portuguese last name as being a surname, therefore drift of the proper name of the founder of this familiar trunk, considered as being a variation of the last name Dinis or Denis which comes of the Dionsio Frenchman, thus the son of Mr. Dinis was known as ' ' Someone son Mr. Dinis ' ' its grandson only as ' ' Sicrano Dinis' ' , passing this assignment, from there in ahead to the excessively descending ones of this family. The Diniz ancestry comes from the cattle king, D. Diniz of Castile and Algarve, Mr. De Campos of Spain and Portugal, gift in the lyric trovadoresca of Portuguese literature, also known as the trovador king.

This last its favourite person or thing is counted that this king had relationships with peasants, between them Eudxia and Maria Peres, being with which it had some children to who donated Fifth of Saa (word of German origin equivalent to the mansion or small farm in Portugal) of where would have derived toponimo from S, of Maria Peres de S, whose variation in Brazil it is Saucers, in folloied consequncia of the S last name. These bastard descendants of D. Diniz had no longer come of Portugal for Brazil third General Government, with Mem de S and the other children of the Cnego Gonalo de S, its nephews and relatives if they had installed in the headquarters of the old captainships of Rio De Janeiro, of So Paulo, of Espirito Santo, of Minas Gerais, of the Bahia and Pernambuco, one as bandeirantes ones to the search of gold and indians to catequizar (to enslave), between them Salvador Leather strap of S, Estcio de S, Ferno de S, Joo Leather strap of S and others. The Diniz family consists that when arriving, had found already the descendants of the Coasts, Rabbits, Lopes and Sousas, remainders of the old donees and governors of these captainships.

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