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2015 November Archive at Artieda 2011

Archive for November, 2015

Rio Community


RESULTS Arriving at Buritis we find sufficiently receptive and interested people in collaborating with the research, and immediately already we can prove that she was about a devoid community with very humble people. After the analysis of the data we arrive at the following results: O individual with lesser degree of escolaridade has more children and is the ones that more use and believe the effectiveness of ‘ ‘ garrafadas’ ‘ simpatias. Grandes parts of the illiterates still look healers, quacks or the somebody oldest thing when they are sick. Indivduos with bigger degree of escolaridade tend look the hospital to it when they are sick. it Observou two unamimity; of that the procedures technician carried through by doctors and nurses help very in the treatment of the illnesses, and that the medical attendance to the inhabitants of the community are insufficient. In the Buritis we also notice one strong trend the self-medication, a great one I number of interviewed disclosed that it looks pharmacies in the headquarters of the city of Barriers when they are sick. In this community the culture does not exist to look for health rank, only makes it when it has a consultation marked previously for the Communitarian Agent of Health.

CONCLUSION In the distance enters the community of the Buritis and the headquarters of the city of Barriers, take the inhabitants of this community to search other ways/alternative methods for the treatment of the illness. However, the low level of escolaridade is the factor that more influences in the search for crendices and superstitions. The intervention culture is something marcante in the life them citizens it Buritis, does not exist search just in case, the concern alone appears when the illness already was installed. Being thus, the hypothesis she was proven, it was that the lack of knowledge and the transmitted culture of a generation to other really contribute so that well-taken care of empiricists are adopted.

European Community


But I think we have reached the bottom of a deep well that strangles us too, to keep trying to get out of a l every day of our lives, “Slowly, the children went to NDOS echo the advice of their parents. Several of the parents of his friends had to file bankruptcy habaan and others habaan out of work, so that habaan found it necessary to return to the home of his parents for not keeping his own. His own friends advised him to leave, to see how his parents were suffering without attempting to form a new start abroad. Some of his friends, whose parents tenaan dual nationality, and if a sta pertenecaa the European Community, habaan gone to Europe, usually Espaa a, without work and without the help they receive in Israel.

All of these examples, helped enough to understand the need to migrate and made less painful departure. When your children habaan accepted the idea, Ruth and Isaac put everything on sale. Many things, consisting of household furniture, equipment of music, the furniture of both clinics and all instruments ma dico, with much effort, habaan accumulated such aa os, the sell off, but with it, managed to pay passages of the four things of great value had to leave in the hands of lawyer friends, who gave him the power to sell when they found the buyer, such as home and car. His in-laws did the same and well it was like they all left in the same plane, be obliged to start a new life..

Valencian Community


To have tried and to have obtained at this point that the Corts approves, with emergency character, a proposal ” on the symbols and the identity of the Valenciana” Community; it seems a return the past to when not an obvious attempt of distraction on other more fixed subjects. The certain thing is that this was what the past did Wednesday, nonfree of solemnity and forcefulness, the vice-secretary of the PP, David Serra. It offered it to the opportunity, once again, the stupidity of some politicians of the Principality with his appellant and tedious reference to the Pasos Catalans. Its immediate consequence: a wink of the Popular Party to the valencianistas sectors like saying to them that here the unique one defend that them is he and that, however, the Pad of Enric Morera only represents a folkloric leftism antan and. All this happens at the moment at which Mariano Rajoy is pleading for the thinning of the three Administrations of the State for example, and due to expensive previous expenses, ten independent communities need now urgently 30,000 million with which to do in front of its creditors. In this serious context, the one that the people of Francisco Camps dig up identitarias questions does not have to be, indeed, which makes the national leader happier of the PP.

Another case of the same tenor, and that diminishes with effectiveness the spokeswoman of the Consell, Paula Sanchez of Leon, is the one of a possible statutory modification by means of the famous Camps clause. With that subject she promises to be herself sometimes although their protagonists know well that she does not go in serious. Nevertheless, some consellers, like Castilian Serafn defend, it through thick and thin: ” We must armor the financing in proportion to our number of habitantes”. But has not resorted the PP that type of dispositions in other for being indeed unconstitutional statutes? ” Yes, but although they are it, if Catalonia and Andalusia have similar articles, we we cannot be menos”. Since well. In that race towards no part everybody participates. Another example: the one of the Expo of Shanghai just closed.

Well he is the one that the Spanish Government has been spent grazes and who ninot of Isabel Coixet has constituted an excellent reclamation of our country, our technology and our companies. But, why they have traveled until there of cap, at the expense of our taxes, almost all the presidents autonomic, hundreds of positions public, advisers, councilmen, journalists and paniaguados several? One assumes that many of them have been going to sell the image of their respective community, thus helping to a mess of symbols that, instead of to reinforce the trade name of Spain, contributes to guirigay created by autonomic embassies and regional exporting beings that finish contradicting an a others. For that reason, discussing at this point on identitarias signs seems plus a loss of time that an enlightening advance. Something of that happened to him to Jorge Alarte in the congress in which it left chosen and where, to its grief, its party continued boasting of itself of being of the Valenci Country. Instead of to make of it a casus belli, the secretary of PSPV-PSOE is limited since then to mention the term of Valencian Community whenever it can. Thus, died the dog, the rage finished.

Communitarian Action


Thus, for a few seconds, the author it is left to surprise in scene. It is in this point that propagates its opinion being able on them public defining them as ‘ ‘ latecomers, trpegos and incapable to restore justice in the land, for satisfaction of cu.’ ‘ The implicit optics in the text conota prophecy not in the mstico direction, but because it is adjusted perfectly to any time when observes the dialectic between dominant/dominated. The impression that we have is that Axe wants to portray the climate politician of Brazil of the time of the abolition. However, according to Domcio Proena Son, literary critic, the ficcional workmanship of Axe of Assis is not configured as an explicit mirror of Brazil, but as ‘ ‘ fruit of what it thinks on the reality and not of what it observes of this realidade.’ ‘ 9. Of any form, the possibility of the implicit optics of the author is not discarded to guarantee permanence and the present time of the multissignificativos contents and to evidence certain characteristics of our psiquismo stops approaching in them to other human beings to perceive the equivalence of acts and facts to the long one or in any time. .

Correa Celebrates Victory


With 51% of the votes in his favor, the current president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, secured a four-year second term. Exultant, in the midst of the celebration this follower of Hugo Chavez said he would not hold talks with the opposition because, he said, “that would betray the voters.” This is the first time since 1979, when democracy was established in Ecuador, it is not necessary to define a runoff election. With the elections and the victory of Correa also breaks a string of unfinished presidential term since the nineties. Until the arrival of the current president, Ecuador saw through Corondelet Palace (seat of the executive branch) to a dozen presidents in more than ten years. But not all joy for Correa, despite the political stability that this election could give the country. The desire of the President by the deepening of the “XXI century socialism,” to Chavez, will be a major obstacle at least until the end of this year.

It is the strong impact that the global crisis is having on the accounts of Ecuador. In February, the South American country recorded a trade balance deficit of $ s 217.7 million, becoming the sixth consecutive month showing a negative balance amid the global economic crisis. In that month, exports accounted for about 774.9 million dollars, while imports totaled U.S. $ 992.7 million. In the first two months of the year, the trade balance registered a deficit of $ 681 million against a surplus of $ 880 million in February 2008. In February 2008, these accounted for 1.055 million dollars. The Central Bank projected a trade deficit of U.S. $ 2,500 million for 2009.

In addition, the number of the holding and sale of oil, first and almost exclusive export product, are the not less difficult than the present. Oil exports in February showed a reduction in recording an income 292.9 billion compared to U.S. $ 337.6 million reported in January. Export revenues from oil and Petroecuador fell 28.9% in February to $ 199 million, compared with 256.6 million dollars in January, mainly by movements in oil prices in the international market . In volume, exports of Petroecuador also suffered a fall in the second month of the year, to settle at 212 750 barrels per day (bpd), up 11.4 percent from the previous month. The other major foreign exchange income, the remittances from their citizens emigrated to the United States and Europe also fell strongly. In 2008, remittances reached about 2.821 million dollars, 8.6% less than U.S. $ 3.088 million received in 2007. This is the first year of falling remittances. In previous periods these increased by 18.6 percent in 2006 and 5.5% in 2007. Furthermore, data from social reality does not leave much room for holding Correa. In the first quarter of 2009, the unemployment rate rose to 8.6% from 6.9% in same period in 2008. Last year unemployment was 7.3%. Similarly, underemployment stood at 51.9% versus 52.3% in the first quarter of 2008. The numbers are clear and warned that the party should re-election last long.

Business General Electric


It is generally known as the Screen Business General Electric, since it was initially developed to assess the business portfolio of the U.S. conglomerate, which by then had about 150 units of strategic analysis (UEA). General Electric, too UEA then had to have a clear strategic focus of each, so asked McKinsey to help set your business portfolio and decide which to invest in them and which remain outstanding. There are many variations on the McKinsey Matrix, and each order is usually the axes of different ways, but always it is a matrix of 9 cells, with one axis represents the degree of attractiveness of the market (low / medium / high), and the other the strength of a business unit (low / medium / high). The horizontal axis measures the competitive position normally a Strategic Analysis Unit, while the coordinate axis measures the profitability of the UEA.In its 9-cell are positioned several pie charts with variable size. Each represents a Strategic Analysis Unit in the portfolio of businesses. On the one hand the size of the circle represent the market size (the larger the market, the greater the circle), and on the other hand, the circle becomes a pie chart which represent the market share of the company in that UEA. The analysis is complemented with arrows coming out of the pie G fica, indicating the expected future evolution of the UEA. The McKinsey Matrix complements and enhances the Boston Consulting Group, and nearly thirty years after its invention, it remains one of the most widely used strategic tools in identifying and evaluating the activities of a company.

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