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2019 December Archive at Artieda 2011

Archive for December, 2019

Qiu Xiaolong


Qiu Xiaolong, a professor of Chinese literature at the University of Washington, was born in Shanghai in 1953 and suffered in flesh the repression of the Cultural Revolution, a euphemism used by the Chinese communist regime to hide one of the great genocides of the twentieth century. The appearance of the body of a young woman floating in a canal on the outskirts of Shanghai, is the trigger for an interesting story, thriller-like, so unbeatable reveals the actual situation of the citizens of communist China, brought up to discovered after the economic liberalization led by Deng Xiaoping. The slum of a room as something normal, the negligence in maintaining the Chinese cultural activities, intellectual, poorly paid and poorly viewed by the state network, the alleged selfless of workers belonging to the Communist Party, the people retained as confidants the policiaa With great power of description, Xiaolong tells the story through well-defined characters, strong profile. Characters who are either prisoners of circumstances set out by the author and therefore easily understood by the reader. In short, the hypocrisy of political ideology in contrast to the honest integrity of those who want to follow the ideological creed assimilated from childhood, mixed all with the arrival of a new generation, well prepared, that violates the rules prevailing for decades and stands the edge of legality. Political overtones aside, the author guides us through the city, knowing firsthand how to enjoy life to its people, walking through the streets and eating real Chinese cuisine. I have pleasant memories of reading this novel.

Successful Customers


Although the client will probably want to take all the credit because after all they paid for the project, it is always possible to locate our name in any of the promotional activities to develop. Importantly look for getting involved in this project launch stage is, recognize the importance to our professional success keep us in constant exposure (showcase) and maintain a safe and inclusive professional attitude, overcome our own barriers of shyness and let see us as simple executors operating. See Hummer Winblad for more details and insights. Promote the project regardless if the client decides to make or not a major release of the project, will never be more do a bit of self-promotion. As worth at least write a post in your blog, register the site in the showcase most recognized by communities of developers or send a newsletter to our previous customers informing them of the successful development of our latest project. For more specific information, check out MongoDB. We can also go one step beyond: making known our ability to develop certain kinds of projects, for example, if our last project was a financial institution, we could search for approaches in elegant and prudent manner with other financial institutions to see our work. We can even send a press release announcing completed projects. The promotion of projects that we have done, even if its success (expectations and customer experience) was greater than the profitable ended resulting, can be a highly effective marketing technique. ES important to bear in mind that the impact of a project on status online and that we can show with fullness is greater than that present a series of screenshots of our portfolio, as will give a broader view of our capabilities to our potential customers.

Indoorcycling Courses Now Available At FitX Germany


Fitness courses motivate to the sport in the cold season that Sun is still often seen, but always shorter is in the sky. Autumn is here. For the next few months, the weather knows only a trend: it is colder, darker, and Messier. This goes also, that sports such as cycling, hiking or jogging is no longer so much fun. Sports enthusiasts Dodge so often during the cold season for exercise at a gym. Joseph Stiglitz usually is spot on. pay’>Alan Schnitzer.

For many of them, the extensive courses of many sports clubs is even a welcome change to the training habits of the summer. The training in a gym provides a versatile strength and endurance training. In addition to the classic device training fitness courses are now an important part of and represent the success of many fitness studios. Because everyone knows regularly on devices such as the leg press or the abdominal trainer to train his jogging instead of to complete in the nature on the treadmill, how hard it is to motivate himself. However, motivate the fitness courses Group experience, diversity, and last but not least the fun. The coaches demand and promote the student. Provide the rhythm, but the intensity of impacts can be determined.

This also applies to the course programme of the gym chain FitX Germany GmbH. 35 Fitness classes a week taking, fun and of course the movement at the Center assist. Since October FitX offers two more course models, where both beginners and Fitnesserfahrene fully get their money: tour de X’ us BasiXs’. The indoor cycling course tour de X’ offers an intensive endurance training. The coach provides the participants through application of image and body language to drive the feeling of a real landscape. As a result and by using suitable music like in flight time. Each participant can vary its performance according to the intensity on the basis of a regulator at the wheel. Thus will drive all together, no matter whether cyclists, bodybuilders or best agers, and all reach their individual destinations. Health-oriented training is compatible with intense interval training for performance-oriented. Long, indoor cycling was ridiculed by ambitious and professional cyclists. Meanwhile, it is in many of the standard program in preparation for the new season. BasiXs’ is a FitX course for all target groups. The focus is strengthening the core muscles. A healthy back and abdominal muscles facilitates the everyday life and acts preventively against tension and misalignment. The training consists mainly of exercises using your own body weight. It is modelled on the new trend of functional training (functional training). Functionally a training tailored to the strains of everyday life means this. Continuous movement chain are trained instead of isolated exercises for each muscle group. Sounds simple, but exhausting and very effective. This effort can be however easier to get through the group. First and foremost, the users get a feel for their body. Also at BasiXs’, each participant can decide how intensively he performs the exercises. Together, the two FitX courses offer the right mix of endurance and strength. Germany wide is there in every FitX Studio per week three times tour de X’ and BasiXs’ five times. Who is only a little time in the right training, rewarded: the winter can be come with a better resistance to stress and a strengthened immune system.

Core Competency Days


Health, music, religion and politics: with core competencies to success over 500 young people, 160 employees, 58 workshops on sport and health, music and art, religion and politics: this is the balance sheet of the core competency days 2010 youth village for Offenburg taking place these days in the CJD. In a workshop, for example, over 30 young people could learn more about the work and responsibilities of the District Office of district of Ortenau. In a rousing final show, the young people finally were allowed to show what they had experienced, drawn up during the whole three-day event and learned. “With core competencies to success”: for three days were youth village instead of the usual school and vocational education topics such as “Painting as Hundertwasser”, “water and environment” or “Street Dance” in the Offenburg on the curriculum. 58 workshops, the young people could gain many new experiences. So, for example, the CJD staff Bernd Hatesuer and Franz Schienle led with four groups total about 30 young people in the District Administration Office in Offenburg, Germany. Michael Steinhardt understood the implications. The main objective of the workshop was to familiarize the participants with the District Administration Office and its key features. Also, young people should gain more security in dealing with authorities and administrative bodies.

After an approximately one-hour theoretical introduction by Ursula Moster participants were welcomed at the District Office, responsible for public relations. Right at the beginning of many had questions: how big is the District of Ortenau? How many inhabitants, there are as many cities and towns? What education do you need to work? Also young people were allowed to visit the meeting room of the District Assembly, sitting on the seats of members and learn how the political work in this municipal body is organized. With waste, the participants finally met an important equity operation of the District Office. Hanspeter waste consultants explained the waste separation and disposal on the example of the Ringsheimer landfill in their lectures PA and Adalbert Vogele “Kahlenberg”. The core competency days ended 2010 with a furious presentation of all workshops. In the final event, the young people offered include dance, music and gospel singing, soft drinks and recipes from the Bible.

Paper models or fashion jewelry have been presented in exhibitions. The core competencies play a central role in the holistic educational concept of CJD civic education, health education, musical education, religious education and sports. About relevant offers, the young people discover their creativity, their talent and their inclinations. You will learn at the same time, engage the responsibility to assume, and targets together to plan and implement. Equipped with these new experiences they get more security, to participate actively and successfully in the social, professional and political life.

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