Closed June 20th, 2021 by Margie
Amongst the diverse institutions that incorporate the State, of religious matrix they are faced as of most powerful, in view of its capacity to control the population. This article takes as analysis base the religions? over all the Christianity, and the main inserted components in each one of them that they are had as msticos […]
Closed June 18th, 2021 by Margie
For the historian aliteratura it continues to be a document or source, but what it has to read in it is arepresentao that it holds … what in it if she rescues is the reverse speed-apresentaodo world that holds the form narrativa' '. (PESAVENTO, p.117) the concept of representation starts to be essential to understand […]
Closed June 14th, 2021 by Margie
Bronze jar decorated with work of writing and incrusted of turquoises of century XIX, the Museum Resa Abassi in the Anger? Helmet of iron of century XIII-XIV of the Aleppo Museum in the Syrian? Shield of Golden iron of century XIII-XIV of the Aleppo Museum in the Syrian? Leather belt for powder of century XIX […]
Closed June 12th, 2021 by Margie
Palacete was constructed to parahomenagear its wife the Carioca pianista Alice Have, being idealized aogosto eclectic of Francisco Bologna, presents in its architecture decoration deinteriores and faades, styles that go of art noveau 1, neoclssico 2, baroque 3 Brazilian, the gtico 4 eelementos eclectic 5. Opalacete Bologna is an alive page of the modernity that […]
Closed April 29th, 2021 by Margie
Everything happened in the eve of the day of deceased, when a group of integralistas of the locality of Is Vicente if it directed for Cachoeiro on of a truck. In the height of km 11, in the known region as Great Mount, all they had been surprised by some shots that would have been […]
Closed March 14th, 2021 by Margie
By means of the bibliographical revision ointenso is observed cultural interchange occurrence between the African slaves, osindgenas and the Europeans. These occured cultural exchanges for vriossculos during the Brazilian colonial period had contributed for aformao of a hybrid and sufficiently rich culture. In what African contribuio is mentioned is evident, mainly, in the culinria, dances, […]
Closed March 8th, 2021 by Margie
But, it has who goes to say that: The life is thus. It seems that the human being, if not yet lost, is losing the hope and the intention of living. The world seems to be in state of widowhood with the proper one to be. It is not had plus one futurstica vision, what […]
Closed March 8th, 2021 by Margie
One knows that this family is of Iberian origin. In a Latin document of century XIII it appears as nickname (nickname) of ‘ ‘ Dominicus Menendi, clericus, dictus Corrigia’ ‘ , having gifts in the Blazon of the Leather straps the 6 leather straps, originated of the name. The family Leather strap of Portugal proceeds […]
Closed February 12th, 2021 by Margie
In day 27 of February of 1927 Geroncio is born enters, Paraba and Rio Grande of the North. Its parents if called Jose Queiroz and Ana Etelvina. In how much, in Mountain range of the Araruna, Pink Ana is born Da Silva in day 23 of November of 1923. Its parents if called Nunes Joo […]
Closed February 5th, 2020 by Margie
In remaining the no doubt we cannot prove how much the life in the cabaret suffered the consequncias from modernity, and as interviewed ours it said in them: My son, with the invention of this motel, everybody having car, motion, and money in the pocket, nobody more wants to know of prostitute not, everything today […]