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PROCESS Diagnosis at Artieda 2011

PROCESS Diagnosis


The diagnosis is one of the fundamental steps since it allows detallamente to find and to analyze the multiple factors that obstruct the education-learning of educating and the lack of the professors in order to improve and to enrich education in the educative environment. DIAGN? STICO the diagnosis is an investigation in which they are described and they explained certain problems of the reality to try his later solution. Reason why you suggest the following steps to them: 1. TO IDENTIFY the problematic PROBLEM THAT WE ARE GOING TO DIAGNOSE Like all diagnosis part of an irregular situation or that needs to be changed. For it is essential to know the problem well. It is important that along with involved people, they are arrived at prudent on the problem diagnosing. Since it will be very difficult to approach all the problems simultaneously, for that reason, to discuss the problems and to select one between everything are the first stage to fulfill. Later to formulate a list of questions keys depending what it is needed to know about the problem.

2. TO ELABORATE A DIAGN PLAN? STICO In this step takes I finish preparation of the activities and the resources to investigate the problem. By which it will allow to know those that is wanted to obtain with the diagnosis. This plan considers the following thing: Elaboration of the plan What? What one goes away to do How? Techniques or procedures to obtain the data: interview, reading, documents, survey, etc. Where? Source of intelligence and places: witnesses, specialists, libraries, archives, etc. Who? People in charge who were in charge of the work: people or commissions.

Whereupon? Resources that are needed: equipment, materials, money, etc. When? Dates or terms 3. TO COLLECT THAT WE NEEDED Here collects that makes lack to obtain a better understanding of the problem. And source is recommended to them to eg: make consultation of other secondary sources of intelligence and to make a revision again and I collate of the information of the primary sources. 4. TO PROCESS the INFORMATION THAT WE HAVE GATHERED Here consists of reflecting on the information stops to issue to him to order and sense. 5. TO SOCIALIZE THE RESULTS OF THE DIAGN? STICO d to know the information the population (involved). One makes the educative materials and from them the results with the educative agents are discussed (coordinating, attending instructors, parents of family, etc.).

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