Closed September 15th, 2021 by Margie
We have a teacher at the academy, whose love and respect. And on his birthday, we decided to give him some special gift. Knowing that he has a remarkable collection of art books, we turned to Internet shop “Madina” and ordered the book “The London National Gallery.” Book delivered on the same day. And when […]
Closed August 12th, 2021 by Margie
In the Mexican economy different behaviors have appeared that have much to do with presidential mandates that they have directed to this country. When Cardinal red General Lazaro was in the power, he impelled strongly to agriculture and thanks to this the economic growth of the country had an important rise, not only at issue […]
Closed July 15th, 2021 by Margie
(But it should have been built but Mecca and the Kaaba from Adam son Seth) Abraham followed the revelation, leaving including baby alone in the uninhabited Inhospitality Hagar (Arabs did not exist it Yes, was the alleged ancestor of the Arabs out of the Ismael baby only) and went back to Sarah, his wife, and […]
Closed July 15th, 2021 by Margie
Is the Pope a liar, or a cheater even about? As shown by archaeological field surveys, excavations and finds, the Israelites had until about the 6th century BC, the same pagan rituals, such as about much worship, temple prostitution, fire rituals etc.wie the surrounding peoples also. We know a God was established until after the […]
Closed July 15th, 2021 by Margie
like all of their neighbors. Their special God was created by prophets and priests and is just as “real” as about Baal, ASHERA, Tummuz, etc. It is now considered scientific secured the Israelites the Torah had written until much later than previously assumed, to subsequently assign a common history and religion the people. Previously, they […]
Closed July 11th, 2021 by Margie
Way to make a custom template of the portraits together oil painting Designer online a portrait in oil is a gift with a lasting reminder value. With the right photo, you could save yourself sitting in front of the artist, describes Wei Phung, native of Switzerland and one of the founders of the art portal. […]
Closed July 11th, 2021 by Margie
Jenny Falckenberg Blunck presents photographs by Franziska Stunkel Director and actor Kai Wiesinger in unique double exhibition in Hamburg. “Hamburg, 09 February 2012 – from March 21, 2012, art agent Jenny Falckenberg Blunck in Hamburg presents photographs of directed by Franziska Stunkel and actor Kai Wiesinger in the double exhibition dialogue of the stories”. Both […]
Closed July 10th, 2021 by Margie
Con i suoi preziosi pizzi crea sciami di farfalle o colonne che sprofondano nei decolltee o morbid volute in movimento.Non pizzi o collari ma vere opere d’arte. Jiinaun Kim (alias sense) raccoglie, combatte abbraccia le contraddizioni tradizioni della propria Corea. Con un corpo minuto ma inaspettatamente forte plasma figure graffiando enormi lastre di alluminio, attribuendo […]
Closed April 29th, 2021 by Margie
When you start your day will come many ideas of what you would like to do, but don’t know where to begin or in which order do them, making you almost always questions of how and where?, because these same questions are related on how to promote your intellect and find where your thoughts occur […]
Closed March 9th, 2021 by Margie
The first step to the art of possession with color – it is art of using a pencil. I am convinced that without the knowledge of and compliance with rules for constructing meaningful figure, the transmission ratio and volume, the laws of composition, tone and light transmission, knowledge of the laws of perspective painting healed, […]