Closed July 7th, 2021 by Margie
Start for the EMCO VIRTUAL SHOWROOM of MOVING element most markets move away from the standard product examination and to freely configurable, flexible and individual systems according to the “modular”. This individualization pressure leads offer drift one away by mass and standard products to flexible, individualised and tailored to the customer products. EMCO bad has […]
Closed June 26th, 2021 by Margie
Market monitor shows rise of SAP projects by for IT Freelancer HAMBURG (09.02.2009) published by the Hamburg project market for the tenth time today market monitor is facing the strong increase in demand SAP specialists in January 2009 in contrast, increasing demand, declining only slightly to freelancers with specialization in the other project work […]
Closed March 17th, 2021 by Margie
Location for lateral thinkers on the subject of enterprise content management issues aimed at the assessment of the participants to the further development of ECM from Gescher, 03.11.2010 – the d.velop AG has developed an online survey with the contrarians can test how visionary they think in terms of ECM. A total of 15 questions, […]
Closed March 13th, 2021 by Margie
Participants learn new products while around email archiving, encryption and signature and spam protection, with which they can curb the risk potential of malicious software, which is introduced via E-mail,.” Further programme points are the presentation of various solutions of the TERRA product range as well as the solutions by SecurePoint. In addition, the Wortmann […]
Closed February 18th, 2021 by Margie
So, a one hundred percent availability is accessible, even with update procedures and server outages. The multiple points-of-presence-monitoring will be expressly highlighted when compared to the other products in the test: all server always monitoring all sensors. “This is interesting not only in terms of fault tolerance, but allows the administrator, for example, also, response […]
Closed February 13th, 2021 by Margie
Now available: Support for Google apps, @VO 3, Avetica Moodle and Edictis Bergisch Gladbach, 7 October, 2010 – Tools4ever a new version of its solution for managing user UMRA Announces. UMRA (user management resource administrator) detects changes in the attributes of the user and performs correctly, consistently and automatically on all systems, resources and databases […]
Closed February 12th, 2021 by Margie
Famatech has announced the launch of the new version 2.1 Advanced IP scanner software Famatech, one of which drove end has a new version of the free network scanner developer of remote control software, introduced advanced IP scanner. The program of advanced IP scanner 2.1 localized all computers on your network in a matter of […]
Closed February 12th, 2021 by Margie
The release Contentserv CS11 impressed by innovations Rohrbach/ILM 24.01.2011: the software manufacturer Contentserv continued the positive trend of recent years and started a good order situation in the new year. A very pleasing profit last year, on field new clients and partners, a ground-breaking new release have confidence the company in the year 2011. Steady […]
Closed February 12th, 2021 by Margie
The Psylock technology suitable as access guarding with operating systems and networks. Also, it prevents unauthorized logins with applications, workflow, email accounts, eLearning portals or online banking accounts. Another plus: the solution is particularly privacy-friendly, because the keystroke behaviour of the user reveals no sensitive information on age, gender, ethnic group, etc.. Security in the […]
Closed February 11th, 2021 by Margie
ProSoft VM management for small and medium-sized enterprises makes 7.8 Shavlik NetChk Protect affordable and NetChk ProSoft available that have been specifically designed to optimize vProtect in roof at the distributor in the new version virtual environments. In addition, the patching migration has been simplified because VMware now shifted from its vCenter out the update […]