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Tag Archive for 'stories' at Artieda 2011

Tag Archive for 'stories'

Times Gestures


In the beginning of the Times when the Man started if to communicate with its fellow creature, he was through guturais sounds ally the gestures with the hands. The gesture most used was done with the finger that if called pointer why pointed, it indicated the object or the person on which if it was […]

Brazil Gallery


It entered in house, a small shady room apartment and room, full of pictures and figures hung for the walls that did not have more place for nothing. It took a fast bath, it was served of one xcara of hot and strong coffee and broke route to the gallery of arts that kept in […]

Mato Grosso


My expensive friend Priest, I go to it to confess my mseros sins, but please it does not condemn me before hearing me and it condemns nor me after also hearing me. I am a coitado poor person needing aid. Mine in case that, its priest, half is complicated and I do not know more […]

Engineering Problem


this is a problem that no engineer can fix. As well as it has as much hatred in the world. Since we evolve in such a way, in the culture, science and as much other things. However, in the elementary one, that it would be union of the peoples we irremediably are delayed and wing, […]



These children worked in subumanas conditions and received about fifty cents for kilo incinerado coal, each one produced in 12 working hours about 7 kilos, to the end of the day received three Reals on average and fifty cents, this when they did not make ' ' hour extra' ' arriving to work up to […]

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