The Strawberry
It is important to strengthen the following frames. You: “imagine, that there is a vast Strawberry field in front of you. The Strawberry field around is a wall. What is the wall in your mind?” You respond or shows the height with her hand. You: “interesting. OK you are coming over the wall and are now on the strawberry field. How many strawberries are you eating?” It doesn’t matter what it says here.
As long as there are 2 or more strawberries, you say: you: ‘Oh, my God! X pieces! I could never imagine my mother.” She will want to know at this point what does that mean. But no matter how much she want to know, do not respond. You: “OK what about the farmers?” She will say something like: “What farmer?” Or: “what is with the Builder be?” At this point, look on the ground and implausible shake your head; as if they could not believe it. Usually the woman is beseech you now finally to be able to find the answer. Interpretation: The wall: the wall stands for your goals.
You put up your goals but can still reach them. Finally, the wall was not too high. Number of strawberries: strawberries are for your sexuality. X pieces means that your sex drive is very high. Most women say (much smaller number than they called) and you have x said. My God, in you I’d never to rest. The farmer: Farmer stands for social restrictions on the topic of sex. And you meinstest: “What should be with the baby?” This means that if a man like you, then you’re confident enough to let you in on it. regardless of what others think. I find this class that you’re so confident and independent. This put the first two sexual frames: you has an abnormal high sex drive is independent of the opinions of others and social restrictions using the strawberry field, whenever the woman has already shown signs of “Personal interest”. This walk, and that the woman assumes a part of seduction for you. Finally, you geframed, the woman now will have that your sex drive is abnormally high and that she like to live out him with a man that she finds interesting u0085 regardless of what other people think of. You will be amazed how much easier you from now on will have it effectively to seduce women.
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