After 3 to 4 years use in accumulates a lot of soil pests, especially wireworms, which causes significant damage to plants grown in perennial grasses. It is well known that the introduction of a rotation of perennial grasses and legumes helps to accumulate in the soil organic matter, reduce salinity and improve its structure. Perennial grasses (alfalfa, sainfoin, clover) maintain a positive balance of humus and almost 40% reduce the need for nitrogen fertilizers for use in their biannual shestipolnom rotation, help optimize water use throughout the growing season. Winter wheat and annual grasses – good precursors for all melons, especially small-seeded. Stretch growing culture (or cultures of a family) at one place (monoculture) not only causes soil depletion and unilateral misallocation of its fertility, but also causes massive spread of dangerous diseases and pests. To avoid the manifestation of such negative phenomena Institute of Southern Vegetable and Melon Naan scientifically sound return dates vegetable and melon crops in the previous place of cultivation and the best precursors for them (see table). In the vegetable and melon growing crop rotation has been and always will be the basis for the full range of agricultural, organizational and economic measures for the conservation and restoration of soil fertility, getting high and stable yields, increase productivity vegetable and melon crops without additional cost. Science-based crop rotation causes the one hand, proper selection of favorable for crop predecessors, and the other – Optimal saturation of single-species cultures of crop rotation, which takes into account the permissible frequency of their cultivation in the fields of crop rotation.
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