European Community
But I think we have reached the bottom of a deep well that strangles us too, to keep trying to get out of a l every day of our lives, “Slowly, the children went to NDOS echo the advice of their parents. Several of the parents of his friends had to file bankruptcy habaan and others habaan out of work, so that habaan found it necessary to return to the home of his parents for not keeping his own. His own friends advised him to leave, to see how his parents were suffering without attempting to form a new start abroad. Some of his friends, whose parents tenaan dual nationality, and if a sta pertenecaa the European Community, habaan gone to Europe, usually Espaa a, without work and without the help they receive in Israel.
All of these examples, helped enough to understand the need to migrate and made less painful departure. When your children habaan accepted the idea, Ruth and Isaac put everything on sale. Many things, consisting of household furniture, equipment of music, the furniture of both clinics and all instruments ma dico, with much effort, habaan accumulated such aa os, the sell off, but with it, managed to pay passages of the four things of great value had to leave in the hands of lawyer friends, who gave him the power to sell when they found the buyer, such as home and car. His in-laws did the same and well it was like they all left in the same plane, be obliged to start a new life..
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