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Valencian Community at Artieda 2011

Valencian Community


To have tried and to have obtained at this point that the Corts approves, with emergency character, a proposal ” on the symbols and the identity of the Valenciana” Community; it seems a return the past to when not an obvious attempt of distraction on other more fixed subjects. The certain thing is that this was what the past did Wednesday, nonfree of solemnity and forcefulness, the vice-secretary of the PP, David Serra. It offered it to the opportunity, once again, the stupidity of some politicians of the Principality with his appellant and tedious reference to the Pasos Catalans. Its immediate consequence: a wink of the Popular Party to the valencianistas sectors like saying to them that here the unique one defend that them is he and that, however, the Pad of Enric Morera only represents a folkloric leftism antan and. All this happens at the moment at which Mariano Rajoy is pleading for the thinning of the three Administrations of the State for example, and due to expensive previous expenses, ten independent communities need now urgently 30,000 million with which to do in front of its creditors. In this serious context, the one that the people of Francisco Camps dig up identitarias questions does not have to be, indeed, which makes the national leader happier of the PP.

Another case of the same tenor, and that diminishes with effectiveness the spokeswoman of the Consell, Paula Sanchez of Leon, is the one of a possible statutory modification by means of the famous Camps clause. With that subject she promises to be herself sometimes although their protagonists know well that she does not go in serious. Nevertheless, some consellers, like Castilian Serafn defend, it through thick and thin: ” We must armor the financing in proportion to our number of habitantes”. But has not resorted the PP that type of dispositions in other for being indeed unconstitutional statutes? ” Yes, but although they are it, if Catalonia and Andalusia have similar articles, we we cannot be menos”. Since well. In that race towards no part everybody participates. Another example: the one of the Expo of Shanghai just closed.

Well he is the one that the Spanish Government has been spent grazes and who ninot of Isabel Coixet has constituted an excellent reclamation of our country, our technology and our companies. But, why they have traveled until there of cap, at the expense of our taxes, almost all the presidents autonomic, hundreds of positions public, advisers, councilmen, journalists and paniaguados several? One assumes that many of them have been going to sell the image of their respective community, thus helping to a mess of symbols that, instead of to reinforce the trade name of Spain, contributes to guirigay created by autonomic embassies and regional exporting beings that finish contradicting an a others. For that reason, discussing at this point on identitarias signs seems plus a loss of time that an enlightening advance. Something of that happened to him to Jorge Alarte in the congress in which it left chosen and where, to its grief, its party continued boasting of itself of being of the Valenci Country. Instead of to make of it a casus belli, the secretary of PSPV-PSOE is limited since then to mention the term of Valencian Community whenever it can. Thus, died the dog, the rage finished.

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