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Freedom must involve the ability of effectively control the elected members to banish the vices of representative democracy, organize themselves in what someone called syndicalism of masses and another which is the capacity to imagine, because the latter allows turning democracy into a permanent growth of the same freedom field. The climate of what intend me to be called creative freedom prevents conversion of exhaustible sterile field as one non-renewable natural resource any democracy, to make it a renewable natural resource. The main supporter of the destruction is the Group of traditional politicians who refuse to water the plant or to pay it, pretending that the plant is so and is should not intervene. We have, therefore, that widen the creative freedom, the direct involvement of the citizens in control of public management and the social organization of masses in new fabrics. Best Buy does not necessarily agree. Everything as a way of restoring the institutions of intermediation between power and society, whose loss is one of the fundamental causes of the crisis democratic. We know well who entered crisis all the institutions who fulfilled that role.

The procedures that I have been mentioning restituirian balance between an overset and inept power and a Comptroller of public society. The legitimacy arises from the electoral act, confidence comes from the moral conviction that a Government seeks the common good. Without confidence there is no stability. An electoral majority is not equivalent to a social majority. The vote is a preference, the confidence a convincing sense of belonging. Against the social demands a populist reaction reactive cannot produce.

We must start a gradual, consistent and constant execution schedule. You mean, relentless action on situations. Electoral majorities are a sum of votes. The social majorities are a sum called membership. We must revalue the principles: freedom and democracy, basic misunderstandings not made of granite macaws, but as an ongoing process of flight towards justice and equity. Those relating to an inclusive social economy, with various forms of ownership coexisting peacefully. It should be removed to float to the right, understood as a legal construct that seeks a social conformation to equity. It must be put on the life jacket the conception of citizen who intervenes and participates and resorted to all forms of organization to make feel their voice. We can no longer be considered as something established democracy about which there is nothing to say. Elections, rule of law, independence of powers, respect and tolerance, all that Yes, but bale endure no more. We must renew all concepts, from the economy to the same right from the conception of policy until the leadership criterion, since what is considered a match and the determination of its social role until the horizontal organization of citizens, since the permanent participation until a social inclusion progressive and accelerated. There are people who insists on making policy with the same instruments and same false statements.

Credit Young


In the world of loans there are many different alternatives which can be accessed to obtain the help of banks or financial institutions in obtaining any of the things that we may need to work out of our lives. In the modern life of today there are many activities that may require a credit to be able to function properly, thus, support activities such as forming a company and keep it running, labor activity or activity having a family and hold all major expenses that it implies may mean this type of additional expenses for which it is necessary to request help from financial institutions that have good economic capital to meet such needs. The young credit is one of those credits offered by these financial institutions. Through credit young people just beginning to seek their independence in life can access an extra amount of money with which to finance all the activities that suit to your momentary needs. Let’s see some of the aspects that they compose the young credit which can be accessed by this type of people. When you’re young there are many needs that possibly us apremien and justify extra aid money to be able to be carried out in a timely manner or even, for that to be possible. Thus, when we are young, often do not have work and enable us to be able to work in good condition, it is also possible you need a house or furniture to be able to wean us from home. It is also possible that we may need a ride so we can carry out all the activities that we can involve the work and study.

For this range of activities there is the young credit that already offer copious way many of banks’s most famous and prestigious. Through the young credit young people around the world can open many doors that lead them by their own path in the most timely and appropriate manner possible. Despite the advantages that might have the young credit for the financing of these activities for which commonly young people need a monetary aid, the decision to join a young credit is important to think well. Not just think if you need to or not to take a young credit, but that you also have to think on how the request will be made once the decision to request a young loan to a financial institution has been taken. If you are not convinced, visit Jimmy Carter. Indeed, think well decision before entering a young credit for financing any activity, whether studies, new home, furniture or any other thing that a young man need at the time.

It is difficult to start the first bricks of life itself with debt weighing on our shoulders. That is why that should welcome the idea of taking a young credit only when absolutely necessary. We hope that what was said is illustrative enough for animes you or not animes you to welcome a young credit to finance any of your projects of life. With these guidelines will have a starting point with which you can make the decision whether you want to or don’t want to purchase a young credit to pay in the future.

Great Unknown


Surely you’ve prodded the article to see that it is that of the wild. Therefore this article has that purpose when you leave him you understand and know this age-old hobby that it is losing. The wild regulated by a well-known agency nationally and the Royal Spanish hunting Federation. This organization defines the silvestrismo as: sport at national level that aims at the education to the songs of wild birds, and whose core functions are: capture and preset education and singing. Selection and return to the natural environment of those copies that does not meet the required songbirds qualities. Participation in the singing competitions currently this mode can be used in most autonomous regions of the country, these communities each one of the different societies that may exist organizes singing competitions in which birds sing and they are judged by a singing established nationally by the (Royal Federation RFEC code Spanish hunting).

Every year a national contest with those classified autonomic is held, 16 editions have already been held and we hope to continue celebrating many more. To do so we have to continually deal with many people and organisations who branded it immoral and cruel to animals by a total ignorance of the modality. and they perform legal actions to prohibit it. Unlike other modalities that are encompassed in the hunting Federation, in the wild not be hunting, is captured in a clean manner and without damage to the bird through a hinged network that is anchored in the soil. This capture mode is ancient, it was already exercised in antiquity by the Egyptians. Spain is also practiced for many years there are documents that confirm it as: Codex of the Oppiana sirio, (3rd century) this beautiful Codex consists of four books, dedicated to the Emperor Caracalla, and was drawn up at the beginning of the 3rd century by the Syrian Apamea Oppiano.In the first book, after the invocation to the Emperor and to the goddess Artemis, speaks of the hunting according to the types of places inhabited by animals of the air, land and water, already at the same time of the animals that accompany man in hunting (horse and dog) exercises.

Abdelmalek Essaadi University


The summer activity of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucia, which boasts a total of 73 courses and encounters between the months of June and September, this edition is going to develop at their headquarters in Malaga, La Rabida (Huelva), Baeza (Jaen) and La Cartuja of Seville, as well as faculties of the Abdelmalek Essaadi University in Tetuan, Tangiers, Chaouen and Larache.New edition of the courses in summer 2011 of the UNIA, the new edition of the summer courses of the UNIA has adjusted its schedule to the demand of the students and to the socio-cultural circumstances of the cities in which it is taught and, for the sake of the search for the greatest possible efficiency, reduced from twelve to nine weeks in which taught academic and cultural activities. For this reason, the UNIA has opted to concentrate the greater part of its activities in nine weeks: from June 27 to July 8 in Morocco; from 4 to 15 July in Malaga; from 11 to 29 July in La Rabida (Huelva); from August 22 to September 9 in Baeza (Jaen), and, finally, 12 to the 23 September in Seville. These courses will be opened this year by artistic producer Antonio Meliveo, composer and musician, on July 4 in the Picasso Museum of Malaga, very close to our establishment, one of the top four-star Malaga Hotels. In Huelva, in the headquarters of La Rabida, connected with our hotel, one of the best located in the city, hotels in Huelva is the Deputy and President of the Fundacion Pablo Iglesias, Alfonso Guerra, July 11. In regards to Seville, will be the writer Maria Duenas on September 12 which do so, at the headquarters of the UNIA, very close to our hotels in Seville. The theme of the courses, as well as in previous years, will be very different even though, as a novelty in this Edition, will be more oriented to professionals rather than college students..



Management leadership style, standards, procedures, the media that use, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of the people that make up the Organization, configure the set of elements that comprise a company’s culture. Here, the importance of being attentive in the way how the company has been sold to develop, how has been his behavior, which has been achieved with this, where you have been its obstacles, conflicts, as well as determine where have manifested their strengths, their weaknesses and that has been done with regard to them. Therefore, it will always be a responsibility management remain vigilant that way its management, its integration with the work equipment is cohesive, innovative, creative, functional, that generates actions that give way to a positive behavior, where the organizational climate shows how flagrant organizational culture, commitment, performance, productivity in everything that aims to achieve. Also we are reminded, that corporate culture refers to the system of conduct, rituals and shared intentions that is typical of the staff of a company and which distinguish the group or the Organization of other similar entities. Each company through its operation, results, essential functions, commitment, knowledge, they show what has been how to perform, interpret its current leadership management and how this has given way to integrate groups, its commitment in the performance of functions, their achievements, their scope, their rituals to operate. Also, points out that organizational culture encompasses everything that is expression of the feeling of the collectivity of individuals in an organization, such as for example, styles of work, organizational structure, social relations, internal, fundamental administrative decisions, their own way of reacting to unexpected events or problems, the assumptions on which operates with regard to right or wrong ways of doing things, the criteria with which a correct or incorrect behavior in reference to styles of directing is evaluatedorganize, relate, etc. All these aspects make up an organization’s internal culture. You may find that Sequoia Capital can contribute to your knowledge. .

Private Money


Referred to as private equity or private money loans private mortgage who subscribe under cover of the Civil Code, the mortgage law and the regulation of mortgage. Likewise, the recently adopted law 2/2009 of March 31, regulates contracting with loans or mortgages and consumers of services of intermediation for the conclusion of contracts of loan or credit. The law 2/2009 of March 31 articulates the activity of so-called lenders providing private money or private capital, with the mortgage of a building, rustic or urban and financial mediators, doing work of advice, documentation and negotiation between client and the financial institution, company or private person intervenes as lender. The existing law requires financial mediators bring to their clients three binding conditions of the loan offers, which enables access to the same with the best conditions economic market. For even more details, read what Partnership for Economic Inclusion says on the issue. Likewise, leave in the hands of the authorities of the autonomous consumption monitoring of lenders and financial mediators.

Also, as some legal requirements referred to in this standard are not possible comply until the full development by the autonomous communities or in the absence of the Ministry of health, Social policy and equality and in particular of the General direction of consumption, the Act imposes the need to monitor the legality and conscientiousness of the subscribed contracts acting as supervisors de facto standard to notaries and registrars of property. What is private money or private capital? It is a loan of money between individuals or between individuals and mutual funds (legal persons). Therefore, private equity or private money subscribe when none of the parties involved is a financial institution. Multitude of nuances are hidden behind this as generic definition and Special features, given the lack of transparency that exists with this activity.

Law Methodology


In the law there are various methods, among which we can cite the dogmatic method and comparative method, among others. At Robinhood you will find additional information. However, some authors confuse them, what should motivate the corresponding investigation, which will be held at the present. The comparative method is typical of comparative law, but this ulotimo is not limited to that method, but it includes other studies, which we have tried at various venues, such as by the way our publications on this disciplinary ‘ legal gassen, subject of study in the form which should be more extensive. If a lawyer not known this is clear that it can have a partial knowledge of the law, which should be avoided. Even in some books is required erl dogmatic method encompasses the comparative method, which involves a serious mistake which should be the subject of criticism within the legal doctrine, and in this sense it is clear that if we have limited knowledge of a subject can be misled by books that dfunden incorrect dogmas.

And in any case in doctrine, everything is debatable, required by confrme Manuel MIRANDA CANALES in her classes at the masters that I kept in the universidad nacional mayor de San Marcos. I.e., it is clear that this kind of topics should be subject of study within the doctrine, among other sources of law. If a lawyer knows this subject it is evident that not can be misled by erroneous doctrine, that fails to be what is known in English law as books of authority, which should motivate the corresponding studies. This type of topics should be studied particularly in the introduction to law and comparative law, similar to the dogmatic legal and in this order of ideas it is clear that it is very important within the law. The legal issues are debatable, but some authors found against this claim, which must be disseminated at this headquarters for purpose of disseminating knowledge of other authors, and this way is clear that we can discuss.



The term of congenital Glaucoma low congenital glaucoma are considered a series of diseases, the majority of hereditary origin, characterized by an eye abnormality responsible for an increase of Intraocular pressure (PIO) birth exist. The most frequent congenital glaucoma is primary congenital Glaucoma (50%), but is, however, an exceptional disease. It occurs in the first three years of life. There is a defective development of the routes of exit of the aqueous humor. In the first weeks or months of life will be presenting tearing and the child is not able to keep your eyes open when there is light (photophobia). The cornea loses transparency and looks whitish.

Simultaneously, the eye, as a result of increasing pressure in its interior, increase of size. It must be especially careful with the children whose eyes much more big than the rest of the children of the same age, especially if it bothers them a lot light. Bibliography. Spanish Association of Prevention of Glaucoma Institute State Ophthalmology Mexican society of ophthalmology journal Mexicana of Ophthalmology March-April 2009, Volume 83 Manual of Ophthalmology author penalty student: School of medicine Ignacio Santos. Member of the Committee of research medical.

Member of the JOURNAL CLUB EMC medical updates. Member and Supervisor of medical articles since 2007. Member of The Neurology Service On-Line Journal Club. Collaborator renal Pathology in MCQs Blogs related Funny Jokes Humor Funny Alien pictures that gets wandering the dominant Johnny Wen Reducing the risk of Glaucoma from early treatment of ocular Fondation du glaucoma du Quebec Une premiere in glaucoma pour le Fondation du glaucoma du Quebec the Overfitting disk tonic & dominant syndromes canaloplastie Marcos I. Mendoza’s Blog Rich Internet Applications (RIA) Blog Archive Gartner Oracle Kenya: Garden in the midst of a population VeoVerde (CIEN) Ciena Analysts Maintain Neutral Ratings After Revisions

Euros Chelsea


Juan Bush entered minute 67 and sentenced the party with zurdazo closed. Fernando Towers did not shine and was replaced; Drogba retired in injured stretcher. Everything on the Chelsea – Norwich City (3-1). Juan Bush carried out a happy debut with the Chelsea, author of third as much of his equipment with which sentenced its triumph before the Norwich City (3-1), in 24 minutes of game in which he left samples of his quality. With the 10 to the back Bush in minute 67 made debut, with tie to one in the marker, when entering by the French Florent Malouda.

It was in minute 101 of the party when Bush was useful happens of dnsa rival, to mark with zurdazo flat cruzado and to untie madness in Stamford Bridge. Before it left good actions in left band, connected well first with Fernando Towers and it was always associated with Frank Lampard. Bush made debut only three days after getting up itself to the rows of the Chelsea, after the crossing of the Valencia in exchange for 28 million Euros. Undergone other victory was not reliable, nevertheless, the victory of the picture of the Portuguese Andre Town-Boa, without ideas as soon as the Norwich, by means of Grant Holt, at the time of party, tied the initial one of Jose Bosingwa to the six minutes as much. To nine minutes of the end the party was shaken.

Penalti committed by the goal John Ruddy on the Brazilian Ramires, that supposed the expulsion of the doorman, was transformed by Lampard. That calmed to the Chelsea, already with Bush in the field, that left instead of the French Florent Malouda in the 67. Two later retired, in stretcher and with a mask, the native from Ivory Coast Didier Drogba, who suffers one serious injury in the neck. Bush exploded in the end. In the time addition. The area robbed a ball on the brink of madness and crossed the ball to seal the triumph that located like leader to the Chelsea. Source of the news: Happy debut of Juan Bush in the victory of the Chelsea (3-1).

Modern Equipment In The Out-of-date House


Comfortable life today is provided mainly proper functioning of life support systems at home: heating, water, sewerage and other emergencies or malfunctions, even in one of them extremely negative impact, especially on the nerves and the contents of the purse inhabitants of the house. To a greater degree of emergencies subject to individual houses of the old buildings that are connected to the centralized source: thermal line, sewers, water mains or a local water tower. Their livelihoods, and to faithfully served for more than a dozen years, sooner or later cease to be responsible entrusted to these functions. What to do – ignore the modern comforts, or to start a very expensive all-out restructuring? Out of this difficult situation is seen in the following. First, in fitting existing systems life support with additional equipment and, secondly, the replacement of outdated and extremely inefficient because of household and sanitary appliances and communications on their modern counterparts.

Newly installed devices and equipment not only organically fit into the interior of the house, but will continue to safely increase the burden on existing support systems without compromising their productivity. Statistics indicates that residents of homes with central heating / water supply and sanitation often faced with problems such as low pressure in the cold water supply network, unsatisfactory work of sewers, it is extremely inefficient functioning of the heating system, etc. How to solve these problems without excessive costs? Try to answer in order increases the pressure in the system Water Historically, the hydraulic calculation of water distribution networks is performed with the prospect of development for 20 years.

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