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2016 September Archive at Artieda 2011

Archive for September, 2016

Professional Teachers


STATE UNIVERSITY VALLEY OF THE ACARAU CENTER OF LETTERS AND ARTS COORDINATION OF THE COURSE OF LETTERS RESUME AND TO KNOW OF TEACHING ACTION PROF. Lars Leckie is likely to increase your knowledge. MS. MARIA LYDIAN AZEVEDO CCERA ELISEUDA RESUME: TO KNOW AND TEACHING PROFISSIONALIDADE SOBRAL? 2011 RESUME TERORIA and PRXIS Introduction To rethink the resume would be the first step that the schools would have of, therefore works with a different resume of the reality of the pupil, if it speaks very in adequacy, but this is only in the theory of the speech, therefore in the practical one what it sees yourself to happen it is another thing. It is not easy for a pertaining to school manager, to break this paradigm is very difficult to change the thought of who is of the side of it are of the reality, therefore this change must happen in that it withholds the power. Appraising Resume the PACHECO text starts defining what it is resume in some instances, but even so has some significaes, summary as a set of information of a trajectory is it of personal or educative experience. resume if compared with a game with rules, becomes, for its proper nature and dimension, sufficiently problematic and conflitual whenever it looks definiz it. Each definition is not neutral, seno that defines in them and points out in relation to this field.

To insist on an including definition of resume will be able to be become extemporneo and given negative that, although the recent emergency of the resume as field of studies and as specialized knowledge, not yet exists a generalized agreement on what truily it means. (PACHECO, 2001, p 16) Pacheco makes comparisons between the implications of the resume as of a game, full of complex rules, that generates problematic conflicts and. Easy to perceive these implications in day-by-day of the school, when the professor has that to follow a script that many times is it are of the reality of the pupil.

Building TIC With Articles


Web site promotion articles is one of the most methods of site promotion. Most importantly, the articles were from the other links. Such links are highly appreciated. tic site is determined on the basis of how much it has external links with other resources, as well as particles of those resources, where these links are located. Link exchange is not indexed by many search engines.

In the system of exchange links caused by means of Java scripts, and they do not ideksiruet Yandex. Yandex learned to identify the corrupt links and began to impose fines for it, or simply do not index them. Sense of promotion of the article is that the link to your website is in the text and search engines is considered as natural, as if the article is unique 100% then there is no such reference prices. Such a reference is much more important to the position in search engine results, as opposed to stand alone. The big plus of promotion articles is traffic article directories. Also, for the successful raising of tic article should contain information on your site – if the user is interested in your article, it will move the link to your site, or to place an article on your site with your link. Due to the extremely popular website promotion articles, the number of article directories is constantly increasing. The more items you put in the directories, the better for the site. For example, to particles Site At least 10 have got 1000 links from directories, or only 15-20 links from articles that you post on the site with tic at least 10.

The Article


This simple plugin will allow you to leave the tray of the first meal of the day with a touch of distinction and elegance. You can use the classic trunk for a similar purpose. Its more rustic appearance added an extra warmth and comfort to stay, in addition to enabling a greater storage capacity. If your function is going to be mainly decorative can top with fabrics, figurines or floral embellishments that give life and freshness to the set. But if we talk about warmth, can not forget complement par excellence in this category: carpet. Few feelings are as welcome as waking up in a cold morning of winter and feel its warmth underfoot. If you plan to walk continuously through his room, opt for resistant materials such as nylon.

Order and space inside of the ideas to decorate a room, maybe have basic two that support all the others. Firstly, maintain a general style for all bedroom; While you can choose any accessory of another trend as counterpoint or note color, or even slightly vary the style of your room with respect to the rest of the House, the harmony is essential and this will get her hugging a unique fundamental idea. Secondly, do not overload the space, because the bedroom is a place of rest and meditation. Avoid unnecessary barriers that reduce the feeling of spaciousness and freedom of movement. Try to create a triangle around the bed by which to travel with comfort. Now that you have these basic ideas to decorate a room, a multitude of decorative elements, practical and adapted to their needs are at your fingertips to create the perfect bedroom. Original author and source of the article.

The Article


Although its importance is emphasized on several occasions, the study of social representations has not been sufficiently explored by much of educators or theoreticians of traditional psychology under the false claim that between what is said and what is being done there is an inconsequential abyss. When we talk about in social representations, we assume other premises. We believe that they are mentally elaborations socially, built from the dynamic that is established between the subject’s psychic activity and object of knowledge. Relationship that occurs in social and historical practice of mankind and that is generalized by the language. Complementing, Mazzotti says: for Moscovici, subject and object are not functionally distinguished, they form an inseparable whole. This means that an object does not exist by itself, but only in relation to a subject (individual or group); the relation is subject-object that determines the object itself. Forming its representation of an object, the subject of some form, constitutes it, rebuilt it in its cognitive system, mode to adapt it to their system of values, which, for its part, depends on its history and social and ideological context in which it is inserted.

(2002, p.17) The break with the classical dichotomy between object and subject of knowledge, which gives the social representations theory, epistemological consistency leads to the conclusion that the object thought and spoken is, therefore, fruit of human activity, i.e. an interiorized replica of the action. In that regard, we agree with Leontiev (1978), when he says that social representations are behaviors in miniature. For this reason you We attach a predictive virtue, once, according to what an individual says, we can not only infer their conceptions of the world, as we can also deduce their orientation for action. This leads to the perception of social representations as important indicators that are reflected in everyday practice, both teachers as students, not counting with the other professionals involved in the exercise of their qualifications in the field of the psychology of education. Despite their importance, there are requirements that must be considered with the maximum care when studying social representations. Several of those requirements could here be coiled.

We are going to stick, however, only to those who we judge primary and fundamental. One of them says respect for the knowledge of the teorico-epistemologicas presuppositions, from which could justify the value of such a mode of study. Besides that, it is necessary to clearly distinguish the difference established between the methodological understanding for the conduction of studies on social representations and the methodological procedures to be adopted. By monograph AD quality Finally, should highlight the social relevance of the problem to be investigated, the internal consistency of the elaboration of a research project, the adequacy of the procedures chosen for the stages of collection, analysis and interpretation of data, the involvement of the researcher and those under investigation, and with certainty, the possible and cash return for the school and for the community. Original author and source of the article.

The Particle


E) The attention directed toward the energy recognizable as a wave, is what creates the reality we call particle or solid, or physical world. F) Scientists say that the observer is the creator of the particle or physical mass of the universe. All this means that the observer (ie we) are the ones who create something out of the invisible (a particle subatomic) with the simple act of observing. We are also a set of atoms molecules and particles, both atomic and subatomic therefore we are not solid as we think, our body regenerates fully within a period of seven years, so in reality a person who is 50 years old has a new body every seven years. As part of this quantum field that operates on energy and electromagnetism, we are a walking mass of energy, we run through it and we're like a walking magnet. Now let's delve a little more on the subject of quantum physics or quantum mechanics say that is one of the most modern branches of scientific research that was developed in an effort to understand the nature of physical reality. This science has made it possible to support all these theories that "Our thoughts create our world" as described with mathematical precision how particles behave that make up our physical reality. This science tells us that electrons can behave both ways, both as particles and as waves of invisible energy. When you make waves, these "electrons" can not be located (it's as if there were) but there are like fields of probability.

Robert Kirkman


Perfect for slow movers, sleepyheads, and grownups on the days when coffee isn t enough. Does your class or family practice Aleph-Bet yoga? Do do you have any ideas of how to integrate Let s Move into your Jewish home or classroom? Send us your photos and we’ll post them on our blog and Facebook page! Ja, hur ska jag denna lilla berattelse makabra beskriva? Jag gillade att Forutom den och att den ar riktigt fint tecknad. Tomtebloss ar skriven av Fabien Vehlmann Svart och Marie Pommepuy tecknad av Kerascoet och. Det ar in slags saga som borjar i in prinsessrosa sockersot men som far in svart mardromsliknande kuliss snart varld. Allt borjar i in tebjudning, Aurora Hektor och fika men da borjar nagot droppa fran taket ska. Panik uppstar och alla flyr ut genom oronen, pa in dod flicka munnen och ogonen. Flickan ligger dod i in skog, ligger skolvaska och hennes-henne runt bocker (det ar fruktansvart).

Varelserna som har bott inuti henne maste find a different ett nytt och Aurora hem forsoker hjalpa alla. Men hon blir grymt sviken av narmaste och slutet kanns som annu in borjan sina. Genom hela berattelsen finns den doda flickan i bakgrunden, otroligt obehagligt och det ger berattelsen in helt annan ton an den annars skulle haft bok. Tank dig att du har tyckte huvudet och forlorat medvetandet ett par dagar. Du vaknar upp sjukhuset och trycker pa larmknappen pa.

Ingen kommer, du dessutom ensam ar i depart. Alltsa tanker du reser dig upp for att hamta nagon i personal och skitsjukhus. Men korridorren ar ode, du gar till hissen och trycker pa-knappen. NAR dorrarna oppnas ett lik triller ut, valdigt sargat. Du pa hjalp, ingen kommer eller svarar skriker. Du fortsatter och att dorrarna till matsalen dar innifran hors ljud och barrikaderade ar be. Du oppnar och be att aven har ar fullt lik fast lever och vill ata upp dig med det! SA borjar den spannande och latt ackliga online bok is fantastiskt doden skiljer oss en i serien The Walking dead Robert Kirkman av. Huvudperson ar Rick polisen som soker efter without familj, ar i livet eller inte?

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