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2017 July Archive at Artieda 2011

Archive for July, 2017

Alliance4care Establishes


Who needs help, needs them most quickly. The a4c Agency for housekeeping & maintenance provides affordable professionals easily in need of care. For people who have to fight in the age with more and more restrictions or health reasons are dependent on foreign aid, the adoption of an everyday or care services is sooner or later inevitable. If their own nationals from lack of time or lack medical knowledge can afford no adequate support, it is important to find an everyday and caregiver quickly and easily. With the Agency for housekeeping & maintenance, alliance4care, the Federation to support an independent service provider, want to merge immediately laundry and nursing staff with needy. The Agency sees itself as an intermediary and offers the possibility, through detailed information about one’s own situation and needs and knowledge, to find a reasonable, optimal solution both sides.

It has the Agency Trained and specially trained staff that not only the senior care and nursing care, but have acquired a qualified training in the specific areas of housekeeping, dementia, palliative and respiratory care and diabetes support. Many caregivers and their families will also need in everyday household tasks help also work such as washing clothes, washing Windows or sort papers belong to the services of the staff. For professionals who want to offer their services, the Agency for housekeeping & maintenance is quite simple: after successful recording, the Agency provides matching orders so that the effort for an own search is reduced and qualified. Alliance4care creates the function as an intermediary with the new agency benefits on both sides, needy people get a services Leister, which suits their individual requirements. And experienced or trained forces find a man, the exactly she needs. To reach the a4c Agency for housekeeping & maintenance under. There is more information to individual topics.

The a4c Agency for housekeeping & maintenance: Alliance4care supports related, independent care services and companies in the health and wellness market in marketing and sales activities, the recruitment, billing and all relevant business processes. With the housekeeping and nursing agency devoted to the composite of the merging of needy people and qualified, affordable personal care in the home environment. The a4c Agency was launched in 2010 and provides personnel for the seniors care, disease treatment or for domestic everyday tasks. Contact: alliance4care holding GmbH Executive Board: Hans-Dieter of Kesseler sales tax ID: DE Robert-Koch-str. 10 64331 Weiterstadt Tel.: + 49 6150 134648 fax: + 49 6150 134647 Web: E-Mail:

Engineering Problem


this is a problem that no engineer can fix. As well as it has as much hatred in the world. Since we evolve in such a way, in the culture, science and as much other things. However, in the elementary one, that it would be union of the peoples we irremediably are delayed and wing, until he seems that we embrutecemos still more. The bloody fight between the Arabs; the disputasinterminveis of the Muslen, the ditatorial radicalism in some African countries. Construction and production each bigger time of weapons of more powerful destruction each time, are action that never we will obtain to understand. Suicidal men spilling of blood on behalf of God, worse still. That god is this? The religion would be very better if it served to join the peoples.

When nations are massacreed, imprisoned people, mutilated and deceased on behalf of the faith, nothing more are of what depravation, corruption of the worse species and blindness spiritual. Also we do not accept, because we do not understand, is the fact of as many powerful nations to allow that many of its children die of hunger, cold and pain. The distribution of income in all the nations is false. The social differences in affirm this daily to them. Of a side we have those that spend richnesses stop.

Brainstorming, A Tool For Designing Products And Services


Although, companies that have got a success in the market and still maintain, is due to the creativity and innovation. For corporations like Sony, Google, Microsoft and General Electric, using tools and creative strategies to build products that the market requires, and not what might seem to them. To expand a little what I want to communicate I’ll take the example of Google. This company has improved its practices in innovation considering some criteria, see how they do it: 1 .- Support for innovation from the beginning, this criterion refers to the time the company provides free thought, that is, Googlers are one day week to work on their ideas.

Appoint a leader of innovation, the way he is establishing sessions develop launch ideas. To do this, use the tool of brainstorming, making them emerge for 10 minutes, all resulting in each session choose six (6) alternatives to start working. 3 .- a organize regular meetings of ideas, this means that the active ideas that emerged from the creative tool are handled and processed by everyone in the company, for development and viability. a Google makes use of the tool of brainstorming. You can also use it to find business options. See how this company uses a simple instrument in the creation of products, and perhaps at times you’ve descartado.a It is important to know that the thoughts that spring up during brainstorming are linked to your environment, ie half where you interact every day, your house, your job, your community, the university, among others, also the associations you generate in your mind to bring the idea is determined by your knowledge.

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