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2018 May Archive at Artieda 2011

Archive for May, 2018

Disc Recordable Storage


During many and the beginnings of computer magnetic tapes had very important role because they turned out to be the first large capacity storage media. At this time have been made several advances in the composition of the tape, wrapper, and the density of data. The main difference between tape and disk storage is that the tape is a sequential access medium, magnetic tape technology has also had important from the width of the tape, changes sizes and most have been developed to have encapsulated lesser or greater capacity. Optical storage with the passage of the years new forms were created to store information and these needs have emerged new alternatives; devices with higher capacity, better advantages. Appeared storage devices optical that make possible the recording and localization needs using laser beams.

The main optical storage devices they are: CD ROM (CD R)-Compaq Disc Read Only Memory CD RW-Compaq Disc Recordable-Writable DVD R-Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc Recordable Only DVD RW-Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc Recordable Writable DVD R DL-Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc Recordable Only Double Layer Blu-rayDisc-beam blue name defined by the beam of the laser(tambien conocido como BD) CD-ROM Cd of storage of data, its contents can be read a without number of times but it cannot be changed or deleted once recorded. CD RW Cd optical storage that can be recorded and erased its contents over and over again. DVD-R DVD storage whose content saves cannot be modified or deleted. DVD RW DVD storage that can be recorded and erased its contents over and over again. DVD RW DL DVD storage double layer that it can be recorded and erased its contents over and over again. Blu-ray is a disk format optical’s new generation of 12 cm in diameter (same as the CD and the DVD) is used for high definition video and storage of high density data.

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