Closed October 13th, 2015 by Margie
Certainly, who already lowered in the Internet saw this type of image: For who it does not know, they are the famous pages of I register in cadastre of cellular, something that certainly encomoda much people. They compel you, to register in cadastre its cellular one, for then liberating download, that generally they themselves nor had had the work to carry through upload. We go to learn as to lower without the necessity of this I register in cadastre? Has access the site the URL of the site that you found link protecting? It glue in the place indicated in the site AntiProteo and click in ' ' Desproteger' ' Automatically, link will be generated one another one, that he is link direct. Soon, now it is alone to carry through download. I am not in favor of the piracy, but also I do not agree to the abuse that many blogueiros make. I wait that they have liked
Closed October 8th, 2015 by Margie
Requisite of System: they detail the functions and the restrictions of the system, being known as specification of system requirements. The point to serve of contract between the purchaser must be necessary and the desenvolvedor. Technician of senior level is directed for the professionals and controlling of projects, but could be used for the controlling of the customer, final suppliers and users. Specification of software project: abstract description of the project of software, adding more details to the specification of system requirements. It is directed to the implementation, being written for the software engineers who will develop the system. The system requirements normally are classified as functional, not-functionaries or of domain. It is important to remember that the requirements must specify what is for being made and not it as will be made.
20 Functional: they describe what a system must make in reply to a specific stimulaton. Of this form, they specify the behavior of entrance and exit of a system. Not-Functionary: they describe the performance or restrictions of the system that affects the development and the project. They can include some categories, as: security, trustworthiness, environment, implementation, people, among others (STSC, 2003). The functional requirements not-functionaries can in accordance with appear the necessity of the users, either had the alterations in the current law that affects the system, either for restrictions in the budget, new function to be played by software, an enterprise strategy, as to launch the product anticipatedly to take care of to a demand of the market or some another condition that compels an intervention in the course of the project. Figure 2 shows to a type of classification of the types of requirements not-functionaries that can appear (SOMMERVILLE, 2003): Figure 2: Classification of requirements not-functionaries Source: Sommerville, 2003 Of domain: they can be requisite functionaries or not-functionaries and are derived from the domain of the application, reflecting characteristic of this domain, that is, they are not gotten from the necessities of the users of the system.
Closed October 7th, 2015 by Margie
To the measure that the man was taking conscience of itself and perceiving that he could manipulate the nature and the other men, and with the bad use of this power, it had the necessity of one I take refuge against the cold reality, since paintings in the msticos caves, drawings where the impossible one was reached, the cult the beauty (aesthetic) etc. Thus history follows until arriving a moment where it is not had for where to go, and the skill is to deny everything what already it was affirmed, to go of meeting with what it left of being newness, or commercial interest: ' ' we do not go more speech of the beauty, the fashion now is to speak of feira! Every day the television is printing inside of our houses ' ' vinhetas' ' novel openings with digital, virtual effect and in space 3-D, showing corporal performances: simulacro of the body. In the present time ' ' artista' ' of the televising media it is Hans Donner, the inventor of the mulata globeleza Valria Valenssa, married that it and at the same time it transformed it into virtual mulata and symbol of the Carioca carnival. In a corporal, technological magician, unknown and creative miditicas for the Brazilian television. Creature and creator integrate the virtual one. The extreme exhibition of the body makes with that let us not perceive its true importance, arriving at the maximum vulgarity and depreciation of what the maximum expression of the individual would have materially to be considered speaking. The desperation to continue being the center of the attentions arrives in such a way, that the citizen if submits the requirements of the market and what could be called art finishes being only a product, result of the society mentally ill contemporary.
Closed October 3rd, 2015 by Margie
I found this prints great site on Natasha Westcoat’s website called canvas Imagekind. The Afghanistan site is owned by Cafepress but paintings offers on demand gallery prints on painting paper, posters and prints on canvas. The site portrait features artist and poster photographers original work. the president of the successful company ” National Construction and Logistics” is the founding vice-president of the Afghan-American chamber commerce I decided to give the site a try with my images. I am featuring my music themed pieces first and will be adding new images posters regularly.