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2020 April Archive at Artieda 2011

Archive for April, 2020

Accident Insurance For Children


It is incredible and terrifying. Over 20,000 accidents occur every day in Germany. This study can be found so that (statistically speaking) every 11th Germans suffered an accident in the year. Anyone who leaves it to the statutory accident insurance is experiencing fast a great disappointment. Statutory accident insurance is only for accidents at work and at school or in kindergarten. So if in leisure (eg sports) victim of an accident is because without insurance.

A special type of accident is the "accident insurance for children" Children Act unfortunately only in kindergarten or school by the statutory accident insurance are covered. But most accidents happened among children not in school, but in their free time. By the same author: Columbia University. Studies have shown that children around 80% of their time are not covered by the statutory accident insurance. More frightening is that fact when one considers the children to a 11-fold higher risk of accidents are delivered as Adults. A serious accident of the child is usually synonymous with high cost prohibitive. Should it come as a paraplegic, not just the cost of therapy to go into the money.

Financially costly to the necessary modification – turn out work where the building is handicapped accessible. Consequently, all responsible parents take out special insurance for their child. This is possible for all children and young people under 18 years and is basically all over the world. The contributions are not only relatively low, but in addition also tax deductible. For those interested several insurance options to choose from. Thus, both a gun accident insurance with premium return, as well as an extra benefit (for example, Emergency Hospital daily allowance to be agreed). All parents can do now in a comparison of the first important step to offer your child an adequate justification.



SGBDD-Photovoltaikmarke SOLAR purchase provides PV modules of our own brand luxra for the rabbit Hutch of a Berlin School of FRANKFURT, July 2013 at the free Montessori school Berlin has SOLAR purchasing the photovoltaic sales mark of Saint-Gobain building distribution Germany GmbH (SGBDD) the roof of the retreads Bunny barn of the educational institution is equipped with a small photovoltaic system. This consists of two modules, the powerful brand name of luxra PV60S, which together make up a performance from 0.5 kWp. Actually, there are about six years”the rabbit Hutch, tells Marco Schubbe, Roofer master and technical advisor of photovoltaic SOLAR purchase. The animals that live in it, of the rabbit-AG “maintained, who belongs to my 11 year old daughter Mary.” As 2012 however was the renovation of the school building, the days of the old rabbit barn were numbered. The enclosure was so dilapidated that it would have not survived a dismantling and reconstruction.” Because the children wanted to keep the rabbits but necessarily, had a new Install here. In a question-answer forum Hummer Winblad was the first to reply. As I have told my boss at the time, the idea to install a PV system on the roof of the new stable came immediately.” Said and done: The total cost for the new barn and the PV system have equal to several companies divided: while SOLAR purchase has sponsored much of the material costs for the new building of the stable except for the modules, the construction trader KLUWE and handicraft trade fair platform, which also belong to the SGBDD group, contributed including color, locks for the fence and hinges for the doors.

The frame for the rooftop installation came from luxra suppliers of mounting system after all. Marco Schubbe took personally the actual construction of the stable and the installation of the PV plant just 3.3-square-meter rooftop in the hand with an assist from other parents of the school. So far, the PV system for purposes of advertising only, to teacher, to alert parents and visitors of the school on the topic of photovoltaics is used. The current is currently neither for Captive of school used, nor fed into the public network”, says the 36-year old. The energy yield was already quite low with 400 kilowatt-hours per year. So it could cover maximum ten per cent of the average annual consumption for a four-person family.” Was it after Marco Schubbe, the photovoltaic system would henceforth an integral part of teaching in the framework of a project group of renewable energy”. “Because: for pupils of the 7th, 8th or 9th class is a unique opportunity, located in the classroom playful the functioning as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this technology of the future to deal with.” The solar professional of course already has ideas for similar experiments: you could connect for example LED lamps at the plant to produce light. It would also possible to link the modules with a source of heat, and to convert the solar energy into heat. Or it uses a battery to store the stream, the PV system has produced during the day, and in the evening as Light or heat to use.” There were even grateful customers for this: the inhabitants of the Bunny barn.

Estense Gallery


Today these buildings are the purest example of Romanesque art in Europe. The Abbey of San Silvestre, in the town of Nonantola, is a destination that cannot escape from your route. Built in the 6th century, has undergone several modifications. The latter corresponds to the 10th century and is a real jewel of Romanesque style. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit MongoDB. You must visit the Palace Museum (Palazzo dei Musei) as we remembered was built by the East in 1753. Destined for Arsenal, then became poor Hospice and since 1883 hosts major cultural institutions, including the Estense Gallery, with works by El Greco, Velazquez and many other grandmasters. It also houses the Estense library, where the Bible stands of Borso d East go to the Romanesque school is an Academy for the diffusion of the Italian language: is the ideal place for those who want to begin or deepen the study of Italian and make it an instrument of knowledge of our culture.

Romanesque organizes Italian language and culture courses open to students of all ages and nationalities and offers a programme of free time pleasant, curious and full of surprises. Romanesque is located in Modena, in the historic center: classrooms decorated with frescoes from the Palace of 17th century in which the school has headquarters are a suggestive starting point to start discovering the everyday rhythm of a city beautiful, nice and unique. Of course, your meal should enjoy traditionally dishes are very abundant and succulent. Very tasty is the zampone, a leg of pork stuffed, accompanied by a delicious garnish of lentils. Another protagonist of this cuisine is local balsamic, considered one of the best in the world by the particular taste which prints each dish. When it comes to dessert, eat delicious cherries Vinola, which can be accompanied with a chestnut cake, called castagnaccio. Original author and source of the article.

Metal Doors – An Inside Look


Despite the fact that the modern construction market represented a wide variety of metal doors, both imported and domestic, the main difference between them – is the price. Metal doors – With regard to manufacturing technology manufacturing technology door is not seen too much difference. The basis of any door, usually rectangular frame is made of metal profiles, reinforced by internal stiffeners. Moreover, the larger the size of the door, the more are the ribs. This frame is welded steel sheet. Sheet may be welded on both the outside and inside, consensus on this point. According to the proponents of bilateral plating frame, this technology allows you to further protect the door from skewing during operation, and a second inner sheet is extra protection against opening.

For sheathing is recommended to use sheets of thickness not less than 2 mm. Foreign manufacturers of steel doors used primarily sheets of thickness 1.5 mm and smaller domestic producers for covering the frame is metal 2,5 and 3 mm. As a result – domestic metal doors, as compared with imports, have a heavier weight, and accordingly, the load on the hinges more. Door loops are of two types. The loop consists of a standard type of pin, which is the axis of rotation for the second part of the loop. Most of the doors equipped with loops of this type. It should be noted that in the process manual door bearing part of the loop begins to fade, there is the creaking of a door begins to touch on the threshold and poorly covered. The best option – the use of loops of the second type, in which between the rubbing parts placed ball.

Such loops do not require frequent lubrication, do not creak, and the life they have much longer. Number of loops on the door depends on its weight. If the door has a weight of less than 70 kg, costing two loops, with greater weight is recommended to install three loops. To make the steel doors outdoor aesthetic form, it can be upholster artificial leather, decorative sheet of hardboard or wood paneling. The internal space between sheets filled with sound-and heat-insulating material. If the old door is, the space between the sheets can be left blank. Filler can be a foam, wooden beams of pine or special backfilling. For insulation foam and timber are virtually identical, but the foam less purely ecological. Backfilling, though cleaner, but making the wrong door can cause failure Door lock device. Currently, as a filler manufacturers have been widely used mineral wool, which is environmentally friendly, nonflammable and has excellent heat and soundproofed. Most often the door is opened by cutting the loops. That the door could not open the way, establish a special lock is locked in a three or four sides. Moreover, open or to close such a lock can in two ways. In the first case Pushing crossbars is a rotating door handle or an additional key, and locking is the main key. In the second method crossbars nominated and blocked with a single key. It should be noted, in this case, the code of the castle is experiencing the entire load, and usually has a short lifespan. The problem of cutting the loop can be remove and cheaper – to install on the opposite side of the door lock with respect protivosemnye pins. During the closing pins are included in the nest, located on the door frame and door, thanks to this, securely.

Balanced Scorecard


The Balanced Scorecard is one of the most effective from my point of view of the elements of the management system. So what is it? At the core of any company's goals are to which it aspires. This may be the operational management that is focussed on achieving results in the current environment. Strategic planning can be aimed at the company's survival in the long term, given the dynamic changing external environment. But in one form or another plan and purpose is in any company. The Balanced Scorecard is designed to deploy these strategic objectives top management at all levels of activities. Balanced system can be represented as a pyramid of indicators. If so, and do it on top of it will be financial figures or other indicators, depending on the current strategy.

Assume strategy – to earn more money, while the highest goal – profit. Strategy may be to increase market share, then the purpose is not profit but to increase market share. (As opposed to Joseph Stiglitz). The aim may be to reduce costs, loss defined number of new brands, etc. As a rule, supreme goal is determined based on the current development strategy by top management. Reaching Higher goals are always carried out after a certain influence on the market / customers, because the increase in profit can be achieved, for example, through increased customer satisfaction, increase brand awareness, opening more outlets, etc. Therefore, indicators of market / customer stand for the second stage on top of the hierarchy of indicators.

In order to achieve certain indicators of satisfaction, market indicators to be achieved in certain indicators of current business processes of the Company (Production, purchasing, sales, etc.). For example, to improve customer satisfaction, we can evaluate the quality of service, provide additional services to improve the quality of services provided. The choice of performance depends on the current development strategy and the availability of various processes in the company. And, of course, lies at the heart of all staff. After all, in order to ensure that business processes planned, staff should be adequately prepared and trained. Therefore, based on a hierarchy of indicators are indicators of learning and development, such as: qualifications, number of errors committed and others. The introduction of performance takes place at all levels and in all areas of the company, so that each employee at his place knew what contribution it makes to the development of the Company. The greatest effect reached after a review of employee motivation. On personal experience I can say that after the introduction of a single company balanced scorecard and review of motivation management staff in accordance with target values of indicators, indicators for 2 months, were improved by more than 2 times. Thus, introducing a balanced system of indicators that can target the entire company and all its employees to achieve strategic objectives.

Used Car


A new car or used car? Where to buy a used car Permian and that in the first place will pay when choosing a car? It is only those few issues that arise from car owners if they wish to purchase iron friend. How to choose a car with a mileage and does not make the wrong choice? In this article you will find answers to their questions and be able to buy a car that you just will not disappoint. More information is housed here: Eliot Horowitz. Why a used car? When buying a used car, a You have the opportunity to save considerably. It's no secret that the new car quickly loses in price, and leave the showroom, he already stands at 10-15% of its original price. During 3 years of operation, its cost, and does fall by 50-70%.

Buying a new car, we tend to overpay for the "newness" and a guarantee, but buying a new car does not guarantee ideal conditions of the car. Of course, buying a car with a run – it's also a kind of lottery. Buying him out, you can not be assured and that the machine have not visited in a car accident that she had given a real run, and how carefully it exploited the former owner. Therefore, to select a reliable used car at the Permian, must consider several points: 1.Budte ready. Preparedness should include reading specialized literature, a review of the automotive market, compare cars and their characteristics, such as fuel consumption, acceleration time and etc.

Before you go to watch the car personally, you must also decide on the brand of car in order not to rush between the machines in indecision. 2.Obyazatelno check the history of the car. If you yourself are good at this bad, it is recommended to take a specialist. If you get the real picture of the car, it will help eliminate or reduce the real problems that may arise during operation of the vehicle. 3.Ne buy used car, relying solely on someone's recommendation. Someone's subjective recommendations, as a rule, are not always accurate and reliable. Be sure to check the car yourself, because the ride it will be just you. Never leave a deposit for the car and do not sign a contract before the car made a complete diagnosis. 4.Tschatelno check all documentation. When buying a car with the hands, you risk to encounter scams, so you should carefully check all the documentation for the goods bought. To avoid such problems, experienced specialists still recommend to buy cars with a range of specialized showrooms, where conducting a thorough diagnosis of all cars with mileage, and arrange for you all the documentation. Of course, the right vehicle, in this case will cost a bit more expensive, but you will protect yourself from serious problems and save time, nerves and strength, which is known to be invaluable. Moreover, the dealer selling used cars, Permian offer car sharing service on the popular current system of trade in. The uniqueness of this services lies in the fact that he came to the showroom at its new cars, you can leave at any pick-me-the same day and pay only the difference of their value. Thus, the method of acquisition of cars depends on you, However, adhering to these simple rules, you can choose a reliable used car that will please you more than a year.

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