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2014 March Archive at Artieda 2011

Archive for March, 2014

Internet Time


Dear reader, if you have a project on the Internet or wants to start one you must be convinced that not everything has to go out to the perfection at the beginning, many of the people who are now succeeding in Internet committed many errors that cost him time and money but never fell as arms and continued forward. One of the keys to a winner in Internet is perseverance and self study but never creates that it will be easy, how easy usually lasts little, invest in you learning from others, on the Internet there are many people who have already walked a long distance in the Internet business and of them you can learn and saves much time and money. Surf the net and find one or two called the marketing Gurus online and subscribe to your newsletters and learn from them, i.e. they do and how do to succeed online, if you can buy some electronic books published by these people and see how it begins to see things differently. In conclusion, sensitising of that with time and effort you can generate earnings on the Internet invest in education, learn from the winners and more important no complex systems are needed to earn online, simply generate an idea and put it to use.

Juan Ramon Jimenez


JOSe LA COLINA am of exile as it is a country, and Spain is a little for me, Spain. Jose de la Colina. THE voice of a child of exile Jose de la Colina is one of the younger exile writers, since he was a child on dates of the war provoked by the military rebellion of general Franco. His first books of stories we highlight look, grey horse (1959) and the fight with the Panther. In the first six short stories accompanied gives title to the book, and in all of them we offer offer minor plot situations that relate to a fragment of life. In the second, all the stories revolve around the conquest of love and the world that symbolic struggle which is referenced by the title. Of the Hill is one of the writers renovators and more attentive to the modern narrative resources, between the Spanish exile. His prose – said Octavio Paz – is one of the best in Mexico.

The Narrator, editor and film Jose de Hill critic born in Santander on 29 March 1934. At the end of the Spanish war he embarks with his family a long exile to France, Belgium, Santo Domingo, Cuba and, finally, Mexico where he lives since 1940. I learned to read in the island of Santo Domingo – tells us the writer – and my teacher was my father taught me how to read in a copy of Platero y yo by Juan Ramon Jimenez. In Mexico he studied primary education at the Colegio Madrid and studied only two more years. At the age of fifteen he collaborates in radio programmes. Later part of the lap, Revista Mexicana and Plural magazines editorial boards. For twenty years he was director of the Cultural weekly of the prestigious newspaper news.

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