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2015 April Archive at Artieda 2011

Archive for April, 2015

Link Internet


– The use of labels, headed the H1, we must use key words between the labels so that these words help ours blog to position it better in those certain key words. – The use of key words in the content, also well is known that it helps to improve our positioning and to emphasize of the rest according to the key words to us that we used. – Something that also I have verified by own experience is it helps that us much to our positioning to discharge from the hospital ours blog in the main finders and directories of the Web, is truth that the users in Internet do not look for information in the directories, but these constitute one more a part than important in the Link creation or I connect entrants to ours blog, and I can assure to them that whatever links incoming have towards his blog better. – Something that really helps us much and in the generation of incoming connections, consequently improves our positioning, is the article presentation in the directories for such aim, in Internet they would find thousands of sites in which you can present/display articles with links pointing towards his blog, and this is totally gratuitous and in a matter of hours already they have its article in line bringing traffic to them interested to his blog. These are only some of the actions that can implement to improve their positioning in the finders, the benefits to be good positioned begin to notice after a daily and continuous working time, I know by experience that at the outset seemed that we did not advance towards any side, but is then when we must continue firm with our work, surely of which the best results are not very far. If it needs but information on this subject or with respect to the generation income by means of Internet I invite, it visits that me in which definitively found a world of options to make money in Internet and to give a turn to its life. I invite to that it leaves it his commentary, its experience can help to other readers of blog. A greeting. By its greater success in line. Jorge To Magallanes.

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