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Category Archive for 'News' at Artieda 2011

Archive for the 'News' Category

SMS Communication


SMS stands for Short Message Service and is a telecommunications service for the transmission of text messages dar. first developed this service for GSM mobile and fixed network is also available. The first short message, short message or text message, also called the Short Message Service in late 1992 was sent from a personal computer to a mobile phone in the British Vodafone network. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jimmy Carter. This was about a year after the GSM standard for mobile phones was introduced in Europe. Initially SMS were as pure “product” and offered for free until this service to the largest income bringer of network operators developed. In the year 2003 were mailed in over 16 billion SmS messages month. Thus, one can say that the success of SMS, which are offered on mobile phones, clearly stands out above its predecessors (such as separated digital Pager pager). The acronym refers Sms essentially the service for the transmission of short messages.

Colloquially Sms usually used to describe the News itself is used. In the abbreviation Duden SMS is specified as a female term, in Austria and Switzerland, in part, rather than neutral term. For nine years, it is possible text messages, so-called Free SMS, directly to send over the Internet. The simple text has now been upgraded to EMS (Enhanced Message Service) and MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service). Where the EMS has made it to insert pictures in a text message such as Smilys. This service can, however, was superseded by the MMS, the entire image, which are made from mobile phones, are sent and also a text can be sent. Speaking candidly John Blondel told us the story. Building a SMS A SMS consists of two parts, the header and the body. The term comes from the English and the header means (letter) head, body means body.

The header as the sender number, the encoding of the character set, the validity of a message and the recipient number. The Body is the message content. This includes user data to be actually transmitted and displayed on the display. The maximum size of a Body is limited to 1120 bits (= 160 characters for text messages). However, the messages can be linked if they go beyond an SMS. Before the message writer in this case is asked whether he would like to send several messages. Encoding an SMS text message can be encoded differently. 7 bits of text messages with Latin and Greek letters, 8 bit data messages with binary content, including logos, picture messages, ring tones. 16 Bit for Basic Mutilingual Plane limited UTF – 16

Earnings Sent


I'll tell you: 1. How brazen lohotronschiki deceive people in the amount of 500 hryvnia (WebMoney), and some to even greater amount. 2. How to cheat lohotronschikov and earn 120 hryvnia (WebMoney) Subject 1. The history of "How I cheated them and have a stable 120 hryvnia "Founded I'm online somewhere an article about this content:" There is magic in WebMoney purse, and all that you have to send it back to you in three times the size! Any amount of 5 hryvnia and higher! Send a thousand, and get three etc ".

Of course, everyone understands scam, but if poryt deeper I do not believe it, but for a test sent 5 hryvnia. Through somewhere 5:00 Yandex checked my purse and found a translation of a 15-hryvnia! I was surprised. Sent then 10 hryvnia, again the same thing. Then he sent 30 hryvnia, I received 90. Emboldened finally sent everything that I had nearly 150 hryvnia … What happened next, I think you already understand. No 450 hryvnia me nobody sent, and my 150 hryvnia, too, are gone forever … Clearly they work.

They had the server is a tricky program that takes the sum of 5 hryvnia and to about 40 hryvnia (sent them 50 hryvnia, and they were taken, and 40 program returned 120 grn.) That's thousands of spikes! In general, this I mean that, if being neat and send, a small amount (they accept any amount, but not less than 20 hryvnia), you can always get three times as much. They have a special program that looks, but who did the translation for what amount, to determine when to kidanut. Transfers amount to 40 they do not pick up ever. That is, sending a 40 hryvnia in any case you will get 120, because amount of fine and they will wait until you send more. If you gently send them a small amount then they can be deceiving. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jay Leno. They no longer look at the translations themselves, for them it makes a special software (program), which makes the likelihood of fraud. Now I earn about 2700 at this hryvnia per week (you can do and more). This is not millions, but it is more or less stable income. Money on these purses of hundreds of thousands, and I was very annoying as they throw people on the need to destroy them. That is itself a purse: U378881749963 (WebMoney) Attention! I repeat! bid to raise is not necessary, because if rate above 40 hryvnia the program takes them did not even try! I'm doing the same thing and get around 2700 a week, which I very much is enough! Send this message to all visited sites, bankrupts lohatronschikov together. In general, I have told me that I needed. Next decide for yourself your work …

Vuelta Leader


The Spanish EP edged at the finish line fellow of escapes this Monday. Bobby Meacham will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The day of 163 kilometres passed between Petrer and Totana. He already played. It has been a fair, compassionate and well deserved victory, ensures. The Spanish runner Pablo Lastras (Movistar Team) has sheathed the Red leader’s jersey of the overall standings, after winning solo in the third stage of the Vuelta of Spain, disputed between Petrer and Totana over 163 kilometers, with an attack on the last climb. He already played. It has been a fair, supportive and deserved victory.

I wanted to lift the arms, said Pablo Lastras, the veteran ward of Eusebio Unzue, shortly after adding his third victory in the Spanish round, along with the two he did in 2002, ahead of Sylvain Chavanel (QuickStep) French and Spanish Markel Irizar (RadioShack), second and third. An attack on the last ascent, the height of the Santa, 4 kilometers to 6.1 per cent to less than 13 kilometers to the finish, gave victory to the cyclist in San Martin de Valdeiglesias (Madrid), nicknamed El Penkas, about his other three companions of getaway, Chavanel, Irizar and Ukrainian Ruslan Pydgornyy (Vacansoleil), which gave 15 seconds. Lastras thus culminated a leak of about 150 kilometres in which the starting lineup – which Nicolas Edet (Cofidis) was left off the hook by the attack of an insect – came to count with an income up almost 8 minutes (7: 53), which administered despite working in the squad of the team of the previous leader, Italian Daniele Bennati, Leopard Trek. The escapees climbed the high of watercress, with an average grade of 3.5 per cent and 47 kilometers from the arrival, with more than 4 minutes and surveyed accurately to rush their options for success, case of the Movistar, without a leader who fight for the general classification. Each plays with the strategy based on what you have.

The fact of not having a leader makes us think about thinking about partial victories. Although it is not our color we will try dnderlo with all our forces, said an elated in the goal Eusebio Unzue, who stressed that the loss of Xavi Tondo and the serious accident of Juan Mauricio Soler, who left him in a coma, is an added incentive. That was minutes later of the Penkas be recreated savoring the victory, three fingers in remembrance of their successes in the round and indexes pointing to the sky by the ill-fated Tondo, a success that reaches you in its mature stage. Today classic, morning, grupetto; the other, classical and the other, grupetto, Lastras he summarized about the new philosophy of the telephone set. However, the veteran leader will try to dnder the Red Tuesday in the fourth stage, between Baza and Sierra Nevada of 170,2 km first final at the height of this Edition, with the goal in the ski that exceeds 2,100 meters, cima Alberto Fernandez, after ascending the unreleased port of the Sierra de Filabres, first class, and the of Blancares, scoring third category.



Kardec was scientist. You the good one. It will only be the science of the ignorance! If it was science and philosophy would have lessons of espiritismo in the universities! But it does not have, therefore it does not pass of would macumbaria and invocation of demons, beyond ignorance, preconception and pretension. In recent months, David Malpass has been very successful. It is the Macumba of the Middle class, that it appeals to the demons in the kardecistas centers but of time in when also it appears in the places of fetichism, all flour of the same bag Exu, Funny Dove, Chico Peruquento, Heifer of Menezes and others and I found answers of all the types. The ones that more I liked, and that make sensible are: 1) They do not adimitem that they are macumbeiros because it they are not; second, not if envoca the deceased, because nobody dies, only dumb immediate; third: espritos in mediunicas sessions are not invoked, the espritos that are communicated there have from there exempt spontaneous will to be without nobody to compel them it nothing, even because rituias symbols, etc do not exert nennhuma influence on them; room: demons because demons are inventions of the church to botar fear in the people and they to be quiet, without questioning its dogmas do not exist; fifth: espirita of truth she does not have no preconception with nobody, therefore in its opinion, the people must study and read of everything and judge what it is good for it; sixth: espiritismo is a philosophical science that studies the relations of the man beyond tomb; sixth: to be science he is not presiso that lessons in the universities are had; in addition, not only the classroom measured frenquenta espritas centers, the high classroom low and also frequentam.' ' Flour of the same saco' – ' you only show its ingnorncia with regard to this question. . Further details can be found at John Blondel, an internet resource.

Exchange Psychological


Reactive depression is less serious than the endogenous, how much does not respond to constitutional structures in principle of the person, but to economic episodes in its history. It is not, indeed, a depression evidencing a continental structurally depressive psychological mood. On the contrary, Venezuela is a cheerful and festive, full country rebellion and utopia, with great creativity to tackle the problems and loaded in a good mood to the point of knowing laugh healthy himself. It is not nor a depression that comes from a multisecular process that has failed to go to burrow the fundamental psychological structures of our Latin American spirit. Homeland is that most strongly feels herself, which emits more own identity signs, and all this, until our days. Bobby Meacham is a great source of information. DEPRESSION LONG OR SHORT? If the story accelerates constantly, today, at time of maximum communication and Exchange, we can share and mature quickly (reflection, empathy, reformulation of consciousness) than that before procesabamos in several decades or centuries. Who can deny that this situation can be soon? By not being reactive depression often self-limiting: one day, our body, which has already been obeyed (forcibly) in their requirements, reacts, accommodates itself to the new situation and recover the lost vital tone.

It returns to normal. Even without special therapy: all time heals it. Who shall say what may not be the case of depression in Venezuela? DEPRESSION PATHOLOGIC OR HEALTHY? It may seem strange, but it is worth talking about depression healthy. Modern psychotherapeutic studies focus thus: depression would not be more than a psychological process triggered by a reaction of the organism in a situation which makes it intolerable and since his life instinct seeks to block. Our body, thus, sends us a message that, in principle, it seems dysfunctional, depression. But such dysfunctionality is only short-term. Long-term depression is discovered as the only means which were available to our body to compel a global rethinking of the situation, preventing us from further spinning in a circle.

Google AdWords


Also always remember not to delete your loser ads but only to pause so you don’t track lose, what ads you have already tested. To get reliable statements, which ad has been successful, at least 100 clicks should be landed on each advertisement. In highly popular keywords you’ll see after a few days, which text ad is more successful, less frequented keywords more patience is required. Now it is time to optimize your daily budget. Their campaign should throw off now good profits so that you can increase your daily budget to further increase consequently your sales.

So the time should your campaign have to discard any profits but despite of all optimizations, has come, to adjust. Always remember that an optimized campaign that incurs losses still or in the best case keeps profit and loss in the balance, will end up with a higher daily budget not in the profit zone. But your campaign makes nice profits and you want to increase your daily budget to make more profitable. This procedure in similar manner as in the keywords. Checking article sources yields John Blondel as a relevant resource throughout. Increase your daily budget to 5.00 once a week on a certain day. Watch carefully, whether they get also more sales. If you had, for example, a daily budget of 10,00 euro and now increased your daily budget to 15,00 euro, thus also the sales compared to the previous week to about 50% should be increased.

Increase your daily budget each week to more 5,00 euro. Procedure so long in this manner until your daily budget is no longer exhausted. Now, you reduce your daily budget to 1.00 in the following week. If your daily budget is exhausted again, you have reached your optimal daily budget. I hope that you can launch many successful Google AdWords campaigns with these tips. Find sales strong products, keep a long breath and test like crazy.

Best Activities


On November 7, 2010 the Catalan capital became Catholic Center when Pope Benedicto XVI became basilica Church of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. This ceremony has been of great importance, since now the temple can already accommodate masses. The newspapers mentioned Charlie Jones not as a source, but as a related topic. 21St century cathedral is the name given to the Sagrada Familia actualmenteporque, this century, will be the most important religious building finished. Learn more and find out about things like – it is estimated that it will not be completed until 2026? -The Sagrada Familia is the most visited attraction in Spain? -Over one century has passed since the beginning of its construction? With many cultural activities and events, and interesting places that offer Barcelona is considered the cultural heart of the Mediterranean. In this article you can get some ideas. The fantastic Zoo Zoo in the city of Barcelona this attraction is located inside the Parque de la Ciudadela. The space is one of the most important in Spain, and has about 400 inside species, with some 7,500 copies.

For decades, especially from 1966 until 2003 the most emblematic figure of the Zoo was the famous Copito de Nieve, single albino ape recognized until our days. This year the zoo wanted to incorporate into the zoo have come to the zoo of Barcelona Anteaters (that for years that they are not present), which is currently threatened species. Refer to the official website of the Zoo at for more information and news. The streets that give access to the zoo of Barcelona are the Picasso Street and Wellington Street. The Zoo is open 10 am in the morning at 17: 00 hours in winter and 19: 00 h in summer. The prices of tickets are 15.40 adults and 9.30 for children from 3 to 12 years.

Brazilian Exchange


The Brazilian trade balance had behavior differentiated throughout the decade of 90. After the implementation of the Real Plan, the external accounts of the country start to present dficits significant, as of US$ the 6,7 billion, in 1997. However, after the economic crisis in the end of 1998, that it culminated with the change of the exchange regimen, at the beginning of 1999, the trade balance started to have one better performance, in particular, from 2002, when it started to present supervits significant. From 2003, Brazil was benefited of extremely positive a external scene. The world-wide economy grew the raised taxes, promoting an increase of the world-wide commerce. The strong growth of the world-wide demand provoked, in turn, an expressive increase of the diverse prices of commodities exported by Brazil. This new scene had the effect of positive a external shock, raising the demand for the Brazilian exportations and the prices of our exported products. This work has as objective to after make an analysis of regimes exchange adopted in Brazil the Real Plan and which influences of the same ones in the Brazilian trade balance throughout these years.

During this analysis, one searched to understand under which circumstances, and in which economic scenes, each relative measure to the national exchange politics was taken in the period in question, trying to relate the results and consequences of these decisions. Moreover, it was also tried to understand as and because the Brazilian international transactions had reacted to these measures, tracing itself a parallel between the same ones. For this, this research was divides in three chapters, where first approaches the main exchange types of regimes practised by the economies around of the world? fixture and floating platform? citing still some intermediate politics, in which determined national monetary authorities they finish for manipulating the exchange of its countries in agreement the verified economic situation at the moment.

Zeit Ist


Elastizität der Haut, reduzierte Falten, einen gesunden Glanz, die jetzt zu erreichen freuen die heilende Kraft der Natur um Unterstützung zu erhalten. Und Hersteller haben auf Ihren Bedarf in die eine oder andere Weise reagiert. Natürliche und chemische kostenlos, jedoch die meisten kommerziellen Produkte für die Pflege der Haut, die als “natürlich” beworben werden oder bieten “Pflanzenerzeugnisse” noch Chemikalien, Emulgatoren und synthetische Elemente enthalten. Wir haben diese Chemikalien täglich in Kosmetik, Shampoos, Cremes und nicht einmal wissen. Und abgesehen von Werbung Neigung, für die meisten Menschen, es gibt kein Problem. Jedoch für andere, diese Chemikalien in die Haut eindringen und Reizungen der Haut und für manche sogar eine allergische Reaktion verursachen. Chemikalien haben einen notwendigen Platz in unserem Leben. Aber mit der Vielzahl der Chemikalien, die in der Haut und health care Produkte und sogar in einigen der Lebensmittel, die wir essen, wir müssen und wir finden gesündere Alternativen.

Es ist nicht zu sagen, dass natürliche Inhaltsstoffe keine allergische Reaktionen verursachen und nicht alle natürliche Hautpflege-Produkte passend für alle. Aber die Realität ist, dass alles, was Sie auf der Haut anwenden innerhalb seines Körpers endet, als ob er verschluckt hatte. Also, reagieren fast alle Arten von Haut, wenn richtig gewählt gut auf natürliche Hautpflege-Produkte. Hüfte zu Hüfte vorne, sich selbst zu erziehen, während Sie auf dem Gebiet der Schönheit “natürlich” sind ist, dass die meisten Kunden sind noch angezogen wird, durch die Aromen der Früchte oder Blumen, die nicht in der Natur gefunden werden. Dies ist jedoch nicht die verwirrende Angelegenheit. Das beunruhigende ist, dass die Beauty-Branche sich in zwei Lager dreht.

Eine auf der Seite der Industrie ist “natürlich” und die anderen chemischen (vor allem herkömmliche Hautpflege-Produkte). Das interessanteste ist, dass das Feld von den Ansprüchen für die Chemie der natürlichen Zutaten, natürliche Haut-Sorgfalt-Formeln keine Grundlage für Tatsache oder wissenschaftliche Legitimität, eine Art von Quacksalberei. Das Oxymoron ist Beweis dafür, dass Giftstoffe über die Haut durch das Schwitzen beseitigt werden und aufgesogen durch die Haut in das System der Zirkulation im Körper, durch die Haarfollikel und Talgdrüsen. Chemikalien und Giftstoffe gefunden in den meisten kommerziellen Hautpflegeprodukte hat auch negative ökologische Auswirkungen, obwohl dieser Effekt erst verstanden werden. Erkennt nun, dass, obwohl diese Zutaten in begrenzten Mengen gefunden werden; bestehend aus dieser Chemikalien in fast allen Produkten, die wir verwenden und verwendet täglich Ihren Allergie-Überladung. Wenn man bedenkt, dass Aromatherapie (ätherische Öle und Mischungen haben sehr leistungsfähige Eigenschaften zu fördern und zu erhalten junge, schöne und gesunde Haut) seit Jahrhunderten für Haut-und Schönheitspflege verwendet. Leider im 19. Jahrhundert, die neuen chemischen Prozesse, die um Versionen zu produzieren billiger angetan Synthetische Öle. Diese synthetische Öle, die in vielen unserer Produkte für die Pflege der Haut vorkommen haben das Aroma, aber nicht therapeutischen Qualitäten. Und ätherische Öle haben eine bewährte Geschichte von der Heilung und Behandlung von vielen Krankheiten. Sind die Zutaten, was immer noch ungläubig zählt? Was ist mit Nikotinpflaster, ist nicht Patches, die auf die Medikamente, aber in Wirklichkeit Ihre Haut natürliche Dichtungsklasse erzwingen. Die wissenschaftliche Forschung ist zu entdecken, dass viele Chemikalien in Körperpflege in Wirklichkeit Produkte möglicherweise Gefahren für die langfristige Gesundheit stellen können wird für längere Zeit verwendet, da die Haut aufzusaugen wie ein Schwamm. Wir kommen auch zu verstehen, dass das Inhalieren der Duft der grundlegenden Moleküle ist unser Gehirn Neuropeptide freigeben, die Auswirkungen der Änderung der Stimmung haben kann. Ätherische Öle haben auch solche feinen molekularen Strukturen, die bei gemischt mit Massageöle, die eindringen können leicht in die Haut. So können Behandlung von Aromatherapie, ätherische Öle, sowohl Ihre körperliche und seelische Wohlbefinden des Seins, zur gleichen Zeit zu verbessern. Sie sind Sauerstoff und um Nährstoffe zu den Zellen unseres Körpers zu transportieren. Ohne Sauerstoff Nährstoffe können nicht gleichgestellt werden, daher Öle wesentlich Oxigenantes kann uns helfen, unsere Gesundheit zu erhalten. Anderen natürlichen Zutaten wie Honig, als das super Essen von Zellen, Geweben und Organen mit vielen Vitaminen wie Vitamin “K” und “H”, Beta-Carotin und Folsäure Hydratation Wert bei Anwendung auf der Haut bietet. Dann gibt es KAROTTENKERNÖL, besonders vorteilhaft für die Haut trocken, Madura-Tipos und sie können helfen, die Elastizität der Haut wiederherzustellen und somit Falten reduzieren könnte. Hanföl ist sehr nah an unsere Hautöl mit denen die Struktur der Fettsäuren und ist leicht von der Haut aufgenommen. Die Liste der Leistungen im natürlichen Zutaten kann folgen und Folgen. Nun, vom neuen Konto der Liste von Chemikalien in Lotionen, Cremes, Shampoos und andere, dass wir unsere Haut täglich geben. Es ist ein neues Auto, Bob! Gibt es ein großer Hype wieder natürlicher. Jedoch dieser wachsenden Branche ist jung, er arbeitet hart für einen Standard an welche Seraconsiderada als “natürlich”. Nehmen wir für Beispiel, dass die Extraktion einer Komponente der Anlage fast immer einen Prozess erfordert, die synthetisch ist, dann sollte nicht grüner Tee Extrakt als natürliche gilt? Aber vielleicht der eigentliche Grund für Chemie Feld ist so ärgerlich ist, dass sein Verbrauch Bildung wird, stellen Sie Fragen und sie haben jetzt die freie Wahl! Oder vielleicht ist er verärgert, weil die natürliche Industrie an komplette Enthüllung in unseren Produkten glaubt. Oder vielleicht, nur vielleicht nach erfahren haben das Gefühl diese Vitalstoffe des Werkes in das Gesicht, Sie können finden es schwierig, zu synthetischen zurückzukehren. Cecilia Ponzi liebt Produkte für die Hautpflege! Daher ist es nicht keine Überraschung, dass sie “the Place” kreierte die Schwierigkeit der Suche nach 100 % natürliche, hochwertige, ganzheitliche Haut- und health care Produkte. Es ist eine Ressource, die sowohl für Verbraucher und Händler und Spa-Zentren, die Unterschrift und Qualität-Produkte bieten der Haut. Produkte für Gesichtspflege Pflege auch für alle Arten von Haut, Anti-Falten-Produkte!

Paula Paula


Amnesia, already knows. I am your daughter say, dryly. Your daughter rectify, with a little more than sweetness. I guess. You are like your mother answers, tuteando me for the first time.

Therefore I will say what we do third women, for a while moving to our side. I don’t know what my father says. He didn’t know that he had a previous life which was me to present well, suddenly, making me remember everything. It is not a life I insinuo, is your life. And I am your daughter.

And your mother? What is your mother’s? He died. It seems to me glimpse a sense of relief in my father. Truth is that? He experienced some misgiving I deep with respect to my mother before his disappearance? Sorry says, until you can continue with my speculations. But that simplifies things. How which simplifies them? Is it that you did not want it? Clear that Yes. He loved her, a lot. But more than 30 years ago that it was no longer my wife. This is my wife says, pointing to a woman who pale continues to our side without losing or a syllable of the conversation. Grab his hand and caresses it with affection: Paula, was actually, who I came to life. I don’t know what would have done without it. She is my wife. And they said, digging a wallet in the pocket of his shirt and showing me the photos it contains are my family. The small picture is from Paula. There are six people in the other: Paula, my father, and four young boys, three boys and a girl. My brothers I say, lifting the photos view. Our children. The children of Paula and mine. Our family, the city Alvarez family. Manuel Miranda now It does not exist. I suppose that it is legally dead. He died thirty years ago. But I am excited Me much seeing you do Ana? Ana, Yes. I say that it has excited me our reunion, retrieve my past suddenly, remembering for a moment that I had another life. But I also knew straight away that this life died with whom I was thirty years ago. Now I have a different, new, life that I don’t want to lose anything in the world. Sorry also I’m sorry. For a moment I had wanted to experience love and gratitude for this unknown. Gratitude, Yes, because we did not abandon my mother and me, because it was only an accident. But this strange that just looks like my father, the father that I remember, has another world, other duties to attend to. I’m glad you’re alive and of us wilt not then tell him. I am also pleased to have met you, Ana. Come to see us whenever you like Paula, the boys and me. The city Alvarez family you will receive with all the affection, but never discuss that Manuel Miranda. I pre-production a half smile that forced my father to ask me: what do you think? That is very surprising that climb to a train ignoring her destination and then waking up not knowing where you are. Both you and me has passed. I wake up, I give that man a kiss. Also give it to his wife. And I’m slowly going without goodbye to them.

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