Daisies – it's small suns that smile touching us on a summer day. How often do we trust them and their secrets, picking the petals, wondering: "She loves, loves me not." Modest flowers are ready to fill our hearts with love and affection, give us a kindness and tenderness. We make a bouquet of flowers from seed, so similar to the field daisies. These articles made of natural materials will make us happy every day and all-weather, spring and autumn, summer and winter. Consider the composition, draw a sketch. In accordance with the plan to prepare the required number of colors of pumpkin seeds and ash.
Manufacturing: 1) Get list DSH1 size. Put on a layer of glue. Glue burlap, stroking from the middle to edges. 2) Cut the burlap edges, protruding over the edge of fiberboard. 3) Prepared the basis for framing. 4) In the small circles of cardboard glued to six pumpkin seeds in the form of petals of chamomile, in the middle of a bean paste.
5) Roll into balls of wax and stick to them lionfish ash – asters are ready. 6) Flowers mallow run circles of corn, the core of which smeared with white glue and liberally sprinkled with poppy seeds. Click ICAEW to learn more. 7) For making crafts with their hands to weave a rope. Take four or cattail stem rush, add in pairs, the thick end to thin. Bind to the fixed basis (a chair). 8) beam in the right hand twist, making two or three turns clockwise. Transfer the bundles from one hand and again to twist the beam that is in the right hand. 9) So continue to twist and rearrange until you have bundles of rope to length. Edge of the freeze. 10) For the manufacture of baskets should be proplesti ten transverse and ten longitudinal struts of the cattail. Ten segments of cattail put around the table, as close as possible to each other. Longitudinal stalks pressed wooden ruler, bend over and put a cross-section of them under the stem. 11) Next interchange longitudinal stems: bent to press to the table by moving the line, and bend on the table. Pave the second cross-stalk. 12) So go on, until you have woven "into the cell," the required size. The finished cloth to dry under pressure. 13) In the baskets template out of cardboard stick blade of mace, cut the basket. In the lower part of the future picture with hot glue the basket with a handle of the tow. In the joints of the background and frame stick burning of rush. 14) In accordance with the sketch to place and consolidate elements of the composition prepared on a basis.
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