Legal Law
The ajuridicos produced by nature, do not alter the law are those that do not involve human will and occur spontaneously in nature (the law of gravity, the path of the stars. But there are facts from the man ajuridicos no legal effect (a walk, a visit, a courtesy, etc..) if the act produces legal effects, ie, alters the phenomenology of law making changing or extinguishing a right, we are facing a legal fact that is the case of birth, or death. II.The Legal done. The event is constituted by a human act or omission, voluntarily or involuntarily (in which case it is called legal act), or a fact of nature that creates, modifies or extinguishes rights. They originate on the voluntariness of the actor, the legal fact is characterized by an effect of law that is not wanted.
In simple terms: The legal fact is “the fact that legal implications. This is a change in the outside world, which determines the legal consequences Its elements are:” A change in the outside world, “Legal Consequences Without the presence of these elements there will be legal fact. So the doctrines discussed the importance of one of them. Some (Scialoja) argue that the event is the most important part of the event. We believe that both elements are important in the production of the legal consequences, it would not be Legal “In this sense, it is clear that the” legal fact comes to be the genre, for which the legal act is but one of the species “III.
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