Perez De Albeniz
This distinction becomes tenuous in the East, so that culture at the beginning of the influence of Eastern thought in Europe, the word would acquire a new popular use. This new usage refers to own yoga meditation, originated in India. In the 19th century, the theosophists adopted the word ‘meditation’ to refer to the various practices of inner meditation or contemplation own Hinduism, Buddhism and other Eastern religions. However, it must be noted that this type of practice is not alien to the history of the West, as Celtic show discoveries of pottery with figures in yogic posture. Meditation is usually characterized by some of these traits: A State of concentration on the reality of the moment presented an experienced State when the mind dissolves and is free to their own thoughts a concentration at which care is freed from their common activity and focused on God (own theistic religions) A focus of the mind at a single constant object of perception, such as breathing or a recitation of words we add also that meditation not only can have religious purposes but be also focused in the maintenance of the physical or mental health, and even cosmic connection purposes to find answers to universal questions that throughout history mankind has had.
There is a wide variety of guides and lessons for meditation, that ranging from those that appear in the religions up to the therapeutic through own ideologies of certain individuals. Scientific studies have shown that some techniques of meditation can help improve concentration, memory and improve the immune system and health in general from then there are different types of meditations and so Perez De Albeniz & Holmes (2000), indicates that the different techniques of meditation can be classified according to their approach. Some focus to the field of perception and experience, also call of ‘mindfulness’ (mindfulness, in English).
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