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Plato at Artieda 2011



Therefore it represents a myth that, at the moment where it is servant, suffers its proper demitizao, being deloused by the logos of its fantastic elements so that its allusive and intuitivos powers are preserved only. for a more varied view. Consequently, if we want to understand Plato, we must preserve the function and the value of the myth, to the side and together with the private function to the logos, in the molds of what he was above explained. To broaden your perception, visit Nintendo. Therefore, who is deceived in such a way intends to cancel it in exclusive benefit of pure the logos with who search to grant to it to priority in relation to the logos the point to represent its overcoming (mythology). 4 _ WHICH IS THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MATHEMATICS IN THE WORK OF THE DEMIURGE? For Plato, the order and the beauty that we see in the Cosmo result of a rational intervention, intentional and benign of the holy ghost craftsman, one ' ' Demiurgo' ' (gr. ), that it imposed a mathematical order to an preexisting chaos e, thus, produced a Universe divine organized, from a perpetual and invariant model. All the ideas possess a numerical structure, by means of a process of delimitation (or deigualizao) of the part of Uno on the indetermined multiplicity of the Dade.

' ' The mathematical numbers were deduced of nomads (particular units) and the plurality of? much and pouco' '. The plain and esteriomtricas figures were deduced of a particular species of point that Plato called ' ' line indivisvel' ' (mathematical point endowed with a position) that it served of formal principle, while it put, as material principle, ' ' short and longo' ' for the line, ' ' plaza and estreito' ' etc. It is treated, evidently, of specific differentiations of the supreme principle of the originary Dualidade of great small e, that contains adensamento in materiality successively (always in the intelligible level).

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