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Sublimation at Artieda 2011



And it adds that the return against the own person and transformation in the opposite – that is raised by Freud as two destinies of pulsin – respectively describes to the return of the pulsional arc and the torsion in the return. In this respect in Sublimation and writing Yospe says that the repression and sublimation are the true destinies of pulsin, being the return against the own person and to the transformation in the opposite part of the pulsional circuit. Sublimation consists of a type of satisfaction without repression which implies that the pulsin reaches its goal not in the return to the source, since this return would imply to the repression, but in the branch of going, that is to say sublimation it concerns the pulsin of death. In this Lacan sense it maintains that the pulsin of death, in as much will of destruction is creacionista, since to the tender towards the destruction of the object it produces the emptiness, the nothing from which something can be created that it serves to represent that hole metonmicamente, implying there what has been said that is no identity between sublimation and creation, first it would imply to elevate to the lack of object the dignity of DAS Ding, that is to say to renew the lack by metonmica route; – in the seminary of Ethics. , Lacan locates the problem of sublimation in the difference that goes so from the thing to the object what as is structured in the narcisstica relation – the creation, however, is holds to the dominion of the metaphor that it builds bordering the emptiness, the creation is a Aufhebung of sublimation: in the fabric in target of the painter, in the leaf in target of the poet, in the hole around which the potter of Heidegger models his jar, an emptiness is defined in relation to the significant spills in its contour. .

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