The Safety Of Your Cat Depends On You
New campaign launched by Royal Canin and RACE to the safety of drivers and their pets, cats and dogs, on roads. The year 2009, according to data released by the DGT, was a critical year in terms of accidents caused by pets, since nearly 13,900 traffic accidents had their origin due to the presence of animals on the road, and a 23.7% of them had a dog abandoned as a protagonist. Moreover, 51% of drivers has declared to have met ever in danger while driving due to an animal.These alarming data have led to the creation of a guide dedicated to all the owners of animals that this summer decide to travel with your pet, prepared by Royal Canin and RACE, in order to avoid accidents caused by pets. The campaign is designed to educate families with pets, so they share with their animals the days of summer with maximum responsibility and security, and thus contribute to reducing the percentage of accidents thanks to a complete and correct awareness information to pet owners.Travel and share together with our cat or dog needs a few special animal care, especially when travelling by car. Web the main points of interest congregate to take into account for a safe car without tragic end trip. Original author and source of the article.
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