Abdelmalek Essaadi University
The summer activity of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucia, which boasts a total of 73 courses and encounters between the months of June and September, this edition is going to develop at their headquarters in Malaga, La Rabida (Huelva), Baeza (Jaen) and La Cartuja of Seville, as well as faculties of the Abdelmalek Essaadi University in Tetuan, Tangiers, Chaouen and Larache.New edition of the courses in summer 2011 of the UNIA, the new edition of the summer courses of the UNIA has adjusted its schedule to the demand of the students and to the socio-cultural circumstances of the cities in which it is taught and, for the sake of the search for the greatest possible efficiency, reduced from twelve to nine weeks in which taught academic and cultural activities. For this reason, the UNIA has opted to concentrate the greater part of its activities in nine weeks: from June 27 to July 8 in Morocco; from 4 to 15 July in Malaga; from 11 to 29 July in La Rabida (Huelva); from August 22 to September 9 in Baeza (Jaen), and, finally, 12 to the 23 September in Seville. These courses will be opened this year by artistic producer Antonio Meliveo, composer and musician, on July 4 in the Picasso Museum of Malaga, very close to our establishment, one of the top four-star Malaga Hotels. In Huelva, in the headquarters of La Rabida, connected with our hotel, one of the best located in the city, hotels in Huelva is the Deputy and President of the Fundacion Pablo Iglesias, Alfonso Guerra, July 11. In regards to Seville, will be the writer Maria Duenas on September 12 which do so, at the headquarters of the UNIA, very close to our hotels in Seville. The theme of the courses, as well as in previous years, will be very different even though, as a novelty in this Edition, will be more oriented to professionals rather than college students..
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