Dialog Of The Stories
Jenny Falckenberg Blunck presents photographs by Franziska Stunkel Director and actor Kai Wiesinger in unique double exhibition in Hamburg. “Hamburg, 09 February 2012 – from March 21, 2012, art agent Jenny Falckenberg Blunck in Hamburg presents photographs of directed by Franziska Stunkel and actor Kai Wiesinger in the double exhibition dialogue of the stories”. Both artists photograph for many years in addition to their cinematic work. While Stunkels works have been already shown in prestigious galleries, Kai Wiesingers photographic works are presented in an exhibition for the first time on March 21, 2012. Wiesinger works in monochrome concentrated colouring, Stunkels, photographic works, however, are charged with strong vibrant colours. The photographs are entering a dialog of the stories this exhibition together for the first time in the dialog. Stunkel representing diversity and simultaneity is crucial. Their photographic work developed in different cities in China, Europe, the United States and most recently in Africa.
In panes of glass into show photographed the expressive reflections Stunkel parallel events, stories, people in front and behind the glass. Stunkel calls her paintings “more than seven billion stories” and thus refers to the growing global population, which exceeded the seven billion mark on October 31, 2011. Franziska Stunkel says: an own, distinctive history, that it is worth to be narrated surrounds every human being. Reflections form the Visual starting point for me, to express the fascination of diversity and simultaneity. My works are not digitally processed, rather than an authentic moment left. You certify to real surrounding stuffings of diverse life stories on this earth.” Wiesinger, who already had his first own darkroom at the age of ten years, shows the parallel worlds of everyday life during the making of the film with touching pictures child prodigies. His observations made with the camera wearing a very own handwriting: you are immediate, intense and direct, here but not intrusive or distanzlos.
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