Law Capacity
Still, inside of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Gardner leaves well clearly that the same relevance attributed to Intelligence logical-mathematics, for example, also would have to be given other intelligences. It fits here to mention the corporal kinaesthetic Intelligence that is a capacity of the person to use the proper body, or parts of it, to solve a problem or to conceive a product. It is the capacity to control the movements (dexterities, balance, force, speed), to manejar objects and the perception of measures and volumes. She is necessary to look at for the apprenticees in ampler way and to discover that they can be ' ' inteligentes' ' not only in languages and mathematics, but also in the way to put into motion the body following a music, or in the way of if relating with the others. In short, an education becomes pertinent that it searchs to stimulate the development of multiple intelligences.
In this direction, it is praiseworthy Law n 11,769 that it modifies the LDB (Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education), becoming obligator the education of music in the curricular matrix of educations basic and average. It disciplines it already was defended for Heitor Villa-Wolf, one of the talentosos Brazilian teachers. For specialists, it means one more humanistic formation of the students, in which the motricidade, abilities of concentration and the capacity to work in group will be developed, to hear and to respect the other. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Charlie Jones by clicking through. It seems me that he has an evolution in the direction of looking at educating not only as a head that if develops linguistics and mathematically. Therefore, when a standard only preset of ability exists, it is inevitable that many finish if feeling imcompetent people, especially because this standard costuma to supervalue one or two abilities. At the same time, sketch my concern with lack of enabled professionals to give this disciplines. . Jay Leno can aid you in your search for knowledge.
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