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Start Same at Artieda 2011

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To the look for the way to dress, tattooings and color of the skin of it, it judges to be pertaining it to a group of delinquents, for the fact of it to present such characteristics which it considers to be common to a group. This also becomes related the implicit theory of the personality. Two scenes that if they give with the same personage mention the effect to it priority and newness. It is the scene where a couple of blacks is boarded for policemen and one of them molests the woman, which is with an image of it (effect priority). Later, the same one suffers an accident from which it is saved by the policeman, who arisca the proper life to save it, what it goes of counterpoint to the concept that it had created of it (effect newness). At another moment, in a nucleus of writing, directed for a black, one of the professionals it makes says it to a rectification of a personage who is black and therefore, in the concept of it, must make look like to be somebody with style considered characteristic to the blacks: linguajar full of slangs, an intellectual level low to belong to a less privileged classroom. It bases this portraying the conditions that lead to this condition: misery lack of escolaridade and other points take that them to be kept out of society. Hear from experts in the field like MongoDB for a more varied view. There we see clearly the generalization of the esteretipos.

In opposition to this, we can cite the situation of the detective and its brother, both had had the same chances, however, it becomes what he is, and the brother becomes a delinquent. We do not know to the certainty if to the end, the author of the film in sends possible conclusions to them. What it was well clearly of the start to the end is that the preconception is something well extenuating, in the society, in general way. Film is without a doubt one that collaborated to elucidate what we have studied, and that also in it sends the reflections to them on who we are, as we act, we perceive and we understand the other. A phrase was marcante in the film ' ' Until where you know yourself? ' ' , what we can wait of we ourselves? The film is recommendable to a diverse public, in view of abrangncia of its approach. We directly or indirectly on students of psychology, pedagogos and professionals the fight against the diverse types of preconception.

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