Closed October 15th, 2021 by Margie
I'll tell you: 1. How brazen lohotronschiki deceive people in the amount of 500 hryvnia (WebMoney), and some to even greater amount. 2. How to cheat lohotronschikov and earn 120 hryvnia (WebMoney) Subject 1. The history of "How I cheated them and have a stable 120 hryvnia "Founded I'm online somewhere an article about this […]
Closed October 6th, 2021 by Margie
And if they’ve been trained well enough to compete with the very same sales manager, who smotiviroval this situation, it is possible that he would try to learn something. And, thus improving its efficiency. This, of course, is very simple and so casually that we can say: ‘So what? I know this for a long […]
Closed August 8th, 2021 by Margie
The experience of investors in real estate is different, some of them have already built large complexes, while others – only coming to the market, for each real estate market in general and specific effects on investment the initial stages of a terra incognita. Usually at the beginning of the project the investor has zero […]
Closed March 7th, 2021 by Margie
Each movement must be accompanied by appropriate training. The firm, which has a high level of career planning can make, model – something like 'career route' provided with 'pointers direction 'in the form of mandatory training and other developmental activities. These plans should be known to all employees of the departments. In this case, they […]
Closed March 4th, 2021 by Margie
It all depends on the development of venture capital, while in Russia, venture capital funding begins evolve in the future structure of the shares in the venture funds will be aligned in favor of private investors, but it remains only an option, and from it can not escape. And what applies to public money, ourselves […]
Closed March 3rd, 2021 by Margie
The answer to the question of how to do it, in our case, is through insight into the company as not producing a given set of products with its clear standards, technical conditions, and always engaged in interaction with individual customers. Traditional marketing, associated with mass production, poses a tough barrier between the production and […]
Closed March 2nd, 2021 by Margie
Market freelance copywriters, daily updated with new players. A considerable proportion of the newcomers are qualified linguists and journalists. And, paradoxically, but they often suffer in his new position if not a fiasco, something is seriously losing to their competitors. It would seem – well, who does not like journalists or philologists to be successful […]
Closed May 19th, 2020 by Margie
Why the admiration was one of the passengers, accidentally expressed a desire to calm the excitement caused by the soaring, glass drinking water and received two small bottles at the beginning of the next voyage. 'Indeed, it may seem strange' – admits one of the managers of the airline – 'as such a trifle as […]