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The Aisle at Artieda 2011

The Aisle


As Typically, flights on long international flights booked full, so in case of delay, it will be difficult to find another flight. Check in and get rid of baggage, must pass through a service security and passport control. In most cases, this procedure does not take much time, but sometimes, with long lines and problems with documents, additional time will be superfluous. Do everything in advance so that have left enough time and quiet to go for a landing. Often look at computer monitors with flight information. Read the announcement.

Distribution of landing sectors and flight times are sometimes changed, especially in largest and busiest airports. When you log in samoletPosle places first and business class, as well as "places for passengers with young children, planting rows are numbered, starting from the end of the cabin. I always wait until all other climb aboard, which reduces the time spent in the cabin, though admit that five minutes more or less will not change anything. Nothing more annoying passengers than standing in the aisle to expect when someone else to place the luggage and will take its place. Just sit and wait on the spot, but after all climb aboard, you will have enough time to do the deployment of baggage. Seating in on a short flight to sit by the window watching the passing scenery, nice. But in the long-haul flights preferred location, closer to the aisle. In any case, look out the window constantly do not have to, because it would be a night, or water or clouds.

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