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The Income at Artieda 2011

The Income


It argues that nobody goes to be looking at very for this while the picture of the economy to continue recessivo, same that the exit perspective starts aparecer.’ ‘ The government can continue spending, same losing prescription, until some yellow light if lights signaling that the reason debt the GIP goes to go up in relation to the passed year, what not yet aconteceu’ ‘. According to survey between the federal tributes, the May jib occurred in the Cofins, whose collection shrank R$3,22 billions. Others who may share this opinion include Linux. After that, it came the IPI, that relieved R$2,14 billions to less. The tax burden in 12 months reached 36.46% in March, against 36,56% in the end of 2008. On the other hand the contribution to the INSS was the tribute that greater had collection increase (R$ 4,70 billion).

Prescriptions of trabalhoO president of the IBPT standes out that, exactly with the crisis, she did not have loss of prescription in the case of the referring tributes to the wage-earning work. The Income tax on these incomes presented increase of 0,9% in the first trimester. According to Amaral, the correction of the table and the creation of the aliquot ones of 7,5% and 22,5% since January of this year – factors that not yet reduce the values deducted in contrachecks had affected the collection. Other examples are the prescription of the INSS and of the FGTS. In the two cases, the increases are practically equal: 11.65% and 11.78%, respectively. These numbers show that, although the innumerable resignations after the crisis, the jobs with register in wallet have crescido.

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