Closed March 8th, 2021 by Margie
The professions if create as specializations of the collective work to take care of necessity, therefore, the Social Service appears in a context of administration of material lacks, being legitimated for the capital in the quality of main institucional requisitante. In the company the practical one of the Social Service does not escape to this […]
Closed March 7th, 2021 by Margie
When I decided to know the city of Barcelona did not imagine that everything would be still more pretty of what in the photos. I was magic for the Mil House, or There Pedrera. The workmanship is of Antonio Gaud. The building of apartments calls the attention. A bold, different architecture, and that stranger at […]
Closed March 2nd, 2021 by Margie
The Day of the Witches, also known as Halloween, is a celebration that occurs day 31 of October, but that little people know the true origin. Marking the start of the celebration of the day of all the saints this tradition lode of natives of the region of Glia. The main difference enters the Day […]
Closed October 11th, 2020 by Margie
Here between us, I was same in the philosophy of one old composer of bahian rock, that said that the man had all the rights, also to be dressed in the way as it wanted and even to take hat bath. In the college and it was years 80, he saw colleagues to change also […]
Closed May 8th, 2020 by Margie
the quarrel only increases. To this respect, Wilson (1992) if relates: When diverse types of fashion underline the sexuality, or when they are interested for sort inclinations, many amongst us we can feeling threatened in them or unsafe. For the woman, especially, the standards exaggerated or frequent arbitrary of beauty can to lower it and […]
Closed November 19th, 2019 by Margie
Sustainable Development X Economic Development. Today it is said very in a new form of economic development, called sustainable development or auto-supported development, that is gotten when all the natural resources are preserved, that is, a not-predatory development. This development alone is possible when it is based first on knowing, identifying the basic necessities of […]
Closed October 7th, 2015 by Margie
To the measure that the man was taking conscience of itself and perceiving that he could manipulate the nature and the other men, and with the bad use of this power, it had the necessity of one I take refuge against the cold reality, since paintings in the msticos caves, drawings where the impossible one […]